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Bens POV: 

I mean, I woke up and tried to look good?

I looked in the mirror, I was looking 'good' i never actually try, I just hope. I mean this is for Beverly? Who knows, Bill likes her and what if a new guy comes into the picture and sweeps her off her feet? Bill is already enough competition I don't need more.

I ruffled my hair a bit before perfecting my clothes, we were going to probably be swimming, I'm no creep but Beverly in a designer swimsuit, that's too good to be true. I tied up my worn-out shoes, "Fuck." I muttered "I need a new pair, better start saving" I muttered again. Or I could just ask mom, she cares about stuff like that, who knows I could come home to fresh airforce 1s, I laughed to my self imagining, I wonder what was going through everyone else's head... 

Bills POV: 

"Holy shit!!" I yelled through the phone, I was talking to Mike, well actually I was screaming to Mike. I heard him laugh then say "calm down Bill, I heard Richie's sister is coming..."

Eddies POV: 

"Tozier has a sister?! What does she look like? Is she pretty? does anyone have a chance?" I screamed through the phone at Bill, Ben, and Mike. "Calm down Ed, but I heard shes pretty hot." I heard Mike say. Damn I was nervous now, "A-a-and don't f-f-forget Mikey she b-brought o-o-one of her g-g-guy friends" I heard Bill stutter, Everyone was quiet until I heard ben "shit" he murmured, "Guys we have to leave in 5, get ready!" We all hung up. This was gonna happen.

At the quarry... 

Bill, Mike, Ben, and Eddie were there first, and of course, they were waiting for Richie's group. Eddie looked at his watch "cant they fucking hurry?" He said grumpily, we looked at him and laughed, "We are here 1 minute early" Ben mentioned. "L-like t-they will b-be exactly on t-time," Bill said reassuringly, little did they know, Bill was wrong.

Richie, Beverly, Stan, and two new people walked up to them, Beverly waved, Stan smiled and Richie had his arm around the girl. "H-hey g-guys!" Bill said happily, "Hey!" Richie said rather enthusiastically while taking his arm off the girl. "If you didn't know, this is Khloe," Bev said gesturing over to the girl, she smiled and waved, "And this is Anthony!" Stan joined in gesturing to Anthony. 

Damn was Anthony's attractive and Khloe man, she was a stunner. 

Eddie stood in the back with Mike, he didn't know what to say. "Now please, I heard what happened last time- But its gonna be different this time," Khloe said while glaring at Richie, Richie nodded, it's like he actually listened to something nor someone. 

"So whos in for a swim?" Anthony said shrugging.

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