'Hurry! They are almost here!' A soldier whispered in German.
'Whats going on?' The woman asked 'Are we under attack?'
'We need to relocate.' Another soldier said as he pulled out a medical needle.
The woman nodded as they injected her. Feeling the drugs pump through her veins she stumbled as she started to feel their affect.
'Hurry up and take her to the jet.' The first soldier ordered. 'I have to delete her files.'
'Hail HYDRA.' The second soldier whispered as he carried the woman out of the room.
Alarms were blaring and men where running and yelling past the soldier. Entering a nearly empty hanger the soldier hurried over to the waiting jet, when a Brooklyn accent startled him.
'Put the girl down.'
Captain America walked out of the shadows.
'NEVER!' The soldier yelled making a dash to the jet.
Captain America ran after him and threw his shield at the soldier's back. As he fell the woman fell to the ground as more HYDRA soldiers surrounded the Captain. Getting into a defensive stance, Cap ran forward and started taking out the soldiers one by one.
'Cap report.' The voice of Bruce Banner filled Steve's ear.
'There's a girl here.' Cap replied crouched down by the woman to check her pulse. 'They were desperate transport her.'
'What's her condition?' Bruce asked.
'She's knocked out pretty heavily, but no physical injuries from what I can see.' Steve reported. 'I don't understand why they would drug her so heavily, there hasn't been any reports of kidnapping that have been tied back to HYDRA.'
'Bring her back to the Quinn jet just in case.' Natasha spoke though the ear piece.
'Copy that.' Steve replied as he picked up the woman. 'Have we locked down the base yet?'
'Oh yeah we finished that ages ago while you were playing the gallant prince in every fairy tale ever.' Tony joked.
'Ha ha very funny Stark.' Steve replied sarcastically.
'Sarcasm really isn't your strong point Cap.' Clint pointed out.
'Bringing over the jet now.' Bruce said.
'Copy that.' Steve said as he exited the base.
'Is that the girl?' Clint walked up to Steve to take a look.
'Yeah, she seem's important to HYDRA.' Steve explained, 'they risked a lot just so they could try to get her out of here.'
'Strange.' Clint mused, 'but how is she asleep through all of this?'
'They drugged her before I got to them.' Steve said as the Quinn jet landed in front of them.
'Clint I need your help over here.' Natasha said sounding exasperated.
Clint ran off to help as Steve carried the woman on board and put her down on the table for Bruce could examine her.
'Hey clean up's finished.' Tony radioed in a little while later, 'all aboard the party bus!'
As they piled back on the jet Steve turned his attention to the mysterious woman who was on top of the medical table.
'Banner how is she?' He asked the doctor.
'Um, other than being heavily drugged she's got a wound on her left side.' Banner lifted her shirt a little to show a bandaged area. 'The wound is fairly new so it's going to take a while to recover, but other than that she seems fine.'

Perfect Insanity
Hayran KurguThe Avengers recuse a mysterious woman under the code name Shadow. After being in the clutches of H.Y.D.R.A. all her life Shadow learns how to be normal, trust people, figure out who she is and maybe fall in love, but what she doesn't count on is ho...