Rest time

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Liu's POV (Point Of View)

We finally defeated the olcus, lot's of things happened...The olcus gave us a second chance to be better, to prof that the world have lots of things that was on the good side, and there is no need to destroy the world and create the new one, to prof the savior if there is another way to revive this place from evil and chaos.

"That was though...I'm out of breath..."I lay down on the floor as I talk

"!!! This is not supposed to be happening. WHY!!!"Charming gold scream with full of disappointment in his face, still with his old looking face and suppressed by some big rocks.

"Ha! that's your karma for being evil! Take that Charming gold! This is judgement from me Prince Lonkey to you! Muahahahaha!"

"Really? I think you also the evil one Lonkey" I said, still laying on the floor

"What?! no way, Prince Lonkey is just sneaky, not evil" Lonkey said it with pride, as always.

"Not just that! You're also soooo annoying"Kuga stare with hatered at Lonkey LOL and the fight begins...I don't really hear what are they fussing about, but I'm sure it's ridiculous and funny

"Wh-w-w-what?"Lonkey sweating all over his face.

"Taste this!"Kuga throw his fist to Lonkey

"Acckkk, Kuga is mad right now, stand up my friends, save yourself!!!"

"Heh, is this another trick he play again?" Pala still in his position, obeying Lonkey words. The others including me, who is still laying on the floor do the same as Pala.

" I was wondering...why most of giraffe tribe is so prideful of themself?" Miyo taking a look to Lonkey and Alto and then shake her head while crossing her arms

"Well, I don't know...but Miyo, you should take some medicine from Pala, you hurt a lot" Gai, taking Miyo's right arm and take a look at Miyo's injury.

"D-don't worry! I'm working on it!" Pala shake his staff right after he finished his sentence

"I'll take the medicine later, and you!" Miyo taking a sharp look at Gai "I-I'm okay, and no need to touch me!"Miyo pull her right arm from Gai while blushing, eheheh what a drama. It's fun to see, I got VIP view from here. "Ouch!"Miyo feel pain from her injury because she pull her arm from Gai a bit hard, and then she fell to the floor, just like me.

"M-Miyo! are you allright? Hold on"Gai said, he really worried about Miyo "Pala, is the medicine ready?" Gai looking at Pala with anxious face.

"It's ready, here you go" Pala give the potion to Miyo and then he run, to Miyo's room I guess? so she can get some rest, how romantic. "Thanks Pala! I'm going to take Miyo to her room!"

"O-okay! I'll stay here and make medicine for the others!"

Lonkey's POV

I was too busy fussing with Kuga, until I realize I wasted My golden royal energy to much, so I stop and take a breath.

"Okay enough with the debate"I was about to say another word after taking breath again

"You guys, what are you doing? We got lot's of injury and you guys still fighting with absurd reasons? You should keep your energy and take a rest after a long fight!"a familiar person talked

"That voice..."Kuga suprised, he turn around the same as I'am.

"Popo?!" We talk at the same time.

"B-b-but how? I thought you turned into a baby and still a baby just some minutes ago!"I shocked "Oh! I know, it must be my mysterious power that turns you back~"

"No, that's not it. It's the soul tr-" Popo words cutted by Kuga's

"No, that must be Pala's medicine, I'm sure of it" Kuga say the some ridiculous option that trying to make me fall, of course I'm will not give up to this muscular tiger. I'm about to start saying my royal opinion, and Kuga is ready with his fist, it's scrary, but I can't give up to him in the name of Prince Lonkey, but Liu come and stop us, it seems Pala already heal him.

"Guys! Enough fussing, go back to your own rooms and take a rest!"

"What? I thought this place is already shuted down, and no one is operating this place anymore."Said Kuga

"Don't you guys hear the announcement from the robots just then?"Said Liu "Oh yeah, you guys are bussy fussing"

"I what do we miss?" Said Popo

"Charming gold's brother come here because he heard the news somehow from people that he refuse to tell, he said it's later for the surprise, and he said we need to take a rest. I don't know what is he thinking."

"A brother? This is getting fishy" Kuga said "Let's just do as that Charming gold's brother or whatever it is, that person is right"

"Yeah, let's take a rest" Popo said

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