Meet Again

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Gai's POV

"D-di-did you miss me Miyo? Ehe..." Gai scratch his head

"No! of course not!"She cross her arms and look away

"The couple finnaly meet each other~" Said Lonkey

"Stop it Lonkey! You want a scar on your face?" Miyo taking out her sharp claws

"You must be thinking Gai...after all you done for Miyo, why didn't she response your feelings? do you?"Said Lonkey "My poor friend" He shake his head

"Here we go again...this is very annoying" Said Kuga

"Well I'm fine with Miyo's attitude as long as it still Miyo" I said

"Whatever..." Said Miyo "I guess this is a room, I'll take it...I'm getting some rest"

"She's a secret agent, so don't think to much about it...agents are smart at hiding feelings, right?" Said Popo

"Exactly the same as what I'm thinking Brother~" Said Lonkey

"hehh, two monkeys, one mind" Said Kuga, crossing his arms

" did you get here Gai?" Said Liu, while the others are gathering around me, except Miyo of course...

"Well its all started when I'm trying to find you guys, and then..." 


(a day ago, in running man championship players room hallway)

"Who is that?! Answer me!" I take my shuriken out from my pocket throw it to that unknown person in the silhouette

"You looking for someone? Well, me too"He talks as he catch my shuriken quickly

"Who is that?!" I said again

"Wow, wow, easy dude! Easy! Its just me! Spin,"He said, walking getting closer

"You surprise me, why don't you just show up and tell me your name?" I said as I keep my shurikens "By the way, who are the people that you are trying to find?"

"Rema, she said she was about to go to Lonkey's room to talk with the others, but She don't find any of them" Tell Spin "She tell me if she is going to chase some peanut thing, she tell through letter, I guess she want me to find it, she hid it and even write my name on it, well I guess its a love sign from Rema to me" Said Spin faking it and he looking at me as he laugh

"Yea yea, whatever" I said as I 'spin' my eyes

"Look who's sad here because he's lovebird Miyo is gone, owhhhh" Spin laugh at me 

"F-fine I admit it" I look away, I can't say anything because that's the true fact "Can I take a look a the letter?"

"here, you can have a look" Spin lend Rema's letter to me

I take the letter and read it..

I take the letter and read it

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"I see..." I said "So your real name is big ears?"

"No it's not, its just a nickname that Rema give to me, but hey! We came from the same tribe, so you also have big ears"

" the way, I'm going too, I must save Miyo"

"Sure, no problem~" Spin smiled "Just Miyo? What about Lonkey, Popo, Pala, Kuga, and Liu?"

"Ehem..." I clear my throat " of course.... the others too"

"Need a hand?" a white peacock that look a lot like charming gold suddenly appeared

"Who is that?" Said Spin

"Silver, Charming gold's big bro"

"Do you think that we will trust people related to charming gold?"

"I can land you some help, don't you think you should not waste my kindness?"

Me and Spin think really hard, but remembering our destination is pretty far...we accept his offer


"Well, that's all..." I said "I separated from Spin, I found out this room is locked..." My tummy rumbling "And I'm very hungry...I didn't eat anything in a day..."

"Wait a many days we lost consciousness guys?!"

*Lonkey's gasping* "What! I've just realized..why didn't I think about it! I need to find toilet!!! WHERE IS IT?! I NEED TO GO TO PEE!!!" Lonkey rushing into every room to find toilet "Finally..."

"It seems he already find the toilet" Said Popo

"So you're saying...Rema is here?" Said Miyo, suddenly approaching me... 

"Yeah, Spin said he already find Rema, and they are planning on something so all of you can escape"

"Wua!! At when you're standing there Miyo? I didn't notice you walking there" Said Pala

"Some seconds ago" Said Miyo "Gai, we need to talk, only the two of us"

"Well sure" I scratch my head, blushing

"Hm...the couples need some alone time, lets just get to our new rooms and pretend to hear nothing~" Said Lonkey, he already returned from the toilet

"Agreed!" Said Popo

"I also need to prepare for new strategies...What if I make it like this and then..." Liu mumbling as he walks to his room that he choose, well it seems he picks randomly

"I also gotta go" Said Pala "I need to figure out some new kind of potion that could help us out"

"I'm also outta here, I'm gonna train some new moves" Said Kuga

I follow Miyo until we reach a spot that was far enough from the others

"I got a message from Rema, she suddenly tell me, to watch Akong movements along with you" Said Miyo 

"Well Spin also tell the same thing to me before I get here"

"But there is one thing I don't understand at all, it always bothers me" Said Miyo, sh-she starring at me, a cold stare, but I already used to it, her eyes are so beautiful as always, I can't f-focus! O///o

"Wh-what-tat is-it Miyo?" I said, and then I slap my face to stay focus on what is she gonna say

Running Man Animation Season 2 [AU FANFICTION] - HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now