Blue Helmet Guy and Blue Iron robot

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Liu's POV

"It's almost time for me to shine~" Said Lonkey

"Shine as escaping prisoner😂" Said Popo, laughing at Lonkey

"Sush sush, say no more, I know you envy me brother"

"Yea, yea, up to you"

"Hey guys, are they new? I think this is the first time that blue helmet guy and robot is here" Said Miyo

"Hm...thats weird, their costumes match one each other..." Something weird is going on.....I need some time to think about this...

Blue Helmet Guy's POV

They're everywhere, I gotta be careful, I don't want any of my tracks to be spotted...

"Fokus" Said silver (Charming Gold's big bro if you forget)

"I know"

Rema's POV

Aha! Got ya traitor~ You're not going away from me...not after the fifth game started, it'll be perfect field for me to capture you, soon all of the DV7 will come for your surprise party! Of course We'll come with plan...I can't be here for a long time, they'll find out even with these disguise. I gotta go find Spin, where is that monkey anyway? Not in the hallway, nor rooftop. I search everywhere but can't find him at all.



. can't be that place right?! Spin, you stubborn monkey! I told you not to go there except  it was the right time!

MIyo's POV

I can't feels like it takes forever, I wanna find out now! But I can't, that Akong sure will give me insane punishment along with the others! So, maybe not now..

*the game explanation (one of the white pululu talks)

 So, the game is about escaping a labyrinth, each path you take contains traps. Of course eliminating your enemy will give you plus points, after you eliminate them, we will let you give one order to be obeyed by the enemy, after that, they'll be putted in the dungeon after that, and considered as LOSE, and they'll cannot attend on another game, they will become a prisoner.

"What?! No way! I don't want to become a prisoner! No matter what, I MUST WINN!!"

"Attention please! It's time for you all to assemble with your group! It's already decided through the big screen! Please check your group!" Said the other white Pululu

"I wonder with who this mighty prince paired with~" Said Lonkey with his prideful smile

"Oh, you're paired with me!" Said Popo

"And me too" Said Pala

"Hm..., I guess the three of us are destined to reach the victory together~"

"Good point Lonkey!"

*Pala nodded* "Yea!"

"Gyahhahahahahaah!" They three laugh together

"I you're in our team eh?" Said Kuga stares at the giant blue robot

"I don't want to fall to his fetty tricks anymore!" Kuga stares at Lonkey

"Ouuu scary~" Said Lonkey "hahahah!"

"Don't worry Kuga, you got me on your side, I'll make sure you wont lose because of his tricks" Said Liu while fixing his glasses position "Operation, winning the game!"

Oh no, the brain and muscle in one place. I don't know if I can win or seems the players are matched in 3 or 2. They with the giant blue robot guy. Lets see with who am I paired that symbol seems new to me. 

*Looking at the big screen*

"I was paired with..."I looking at the blue helmet guy "him"

"Do your part" Said the giant blue robot after that he walks away to Liu and Kuga

They're too calm, way TOO calm, just what's on their head till they're that calm, let's wait for the right timing to expose all of that two secrets! Patience is the key! Well I guess this game also wont go easy on me.

"Psst, Miyo! Don't you think both of that armored guys are super suspicious?" Said Liu, he came for a sec, and whispered to me

"I know right! How about we gather at the parlor? Lets find the bottom of this!"

*notes : parlor in the other words is living room (the place they enter before they entering they own room, check unknown place chapter), I change my vocabulary a bit.

"Sure, no prob!" Liu said surely "at 11.00 kay!"Liu come back to his team well, lets try talk to this guy

"Uhm, hey?" I talk to the blue helmet guy "Do you have any plans?"

*look away*

"Guess not...."

Running Man Animation Season 2 [AU FANFICTION] - HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now