The Game Has Begun

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Liu's POV

"Woahh this is the best meal I've ever had! We finally ate something!" I said while tapping my belly

"Yeah, I'm full of power now! Haaa" Said Popo while doing some another new ridiculous dance

"Oh, hey Miyo! You're done eating?" I wave my hands

"..." Miyo didn't say a thing

"Hello~ is someone spacing out?" Lonkey shake his hands in front of Miyo's face

"No I'm not, its just...not in the mood, just go away" Said Miyo, then continues to walk

"Whats with her all of sudden?" Said Lonkey rising his elbows "By the way, do you guys heard the scream some minutes ago?" Said Lonkey

"Well, I don't hear anything, I'm busy eating at that time"

"Hm..." I wonder if there's something wrong "Guys, I guess we missed something big"

"Very big" Said Popo while crossing arms and nodding

"Attention! Attention!" someone's voice is in the middle room

"Hm? Whats that voice?" I said, while the others also coming with the same reason, it was a white pululu with a orange cat ears hoodie that was taking our attention

"Please follow me, you need to follow instruction from Akong" Said the pululu

"Wait, where's Gai?" I said in whishper like tone

"I dont know, I already try to find him like 10 minutes ago, but I dont see him anywhere"

"..." Miyo's staying silent

"W-what if Gai's kidnapped?"

"I don't think so, Gai came here without getting known, so maybe he gone to find some information" Said Popo

"Please, we don't have much time! Please follow me to the judgement room, the place that you arrive for the first time"

The six of us finally follows the pululu with wondering where actually Gai's gone. We keep walking in silent, because we are aware that the pululu in front us can be also dangerous. When we finally step on the place they called the judgement room, Akong show up with his sly smile

"Greetings to all of the pululus! What a wonderfull fresh air today to start a day! But like all of us know, these running man sinners has ruin our day!" Akong point us with disgusted.

"What? Ruin your day?! We're your saviour" Said Lonkey

"We didn't do anything wrong! You're the one who ruin OUR day!" Said Kuga with his rage that's about to explode

"Yea!" Said Popo and Pala at the same time

"Everyone, calm down. We don't know what's he planning, we better stay quiet, otherwise he'll make everything difficult for us"

"The running man players has stopped our savior olcus from saving the world!" Said Akong continuing talking, igroning our words

*Pululus' vent their rage* "Punish them! Punish the running man! They're guilty! They're rude!" Said the pululus (not in the same time)

All of us are blamed, we also get 100.000 years in dungeon as fine (expect Pala, he only get 10 years because they said Pala is just a petty criminal 😅). But Along give all of us a last chance, a grand escape for us. If we won the game without getting eliminated, we shall be free, we have no choice but to agree... we're not the only one though.

"Then, all of you are agree?" Along ask for the pululus agreement

*The pululus jumped, screaming, as a sign of agree*

"Well then....let the game begin in a short time!"

*Traditional trumpet sound*

"It's running time, heheh"

"Guys, be careful, stay focus! We don't know what is he up to!"

"Right" said Kuga, Miyo, Popo, Lonkey, and Pala

"The first game will start shortly! Running man players shall start with the other prisoners that was also play in order to escape!" Said one of the other white pululu

"This is not going to be easy.." Said Miyo while shaking her head while still paying attention to the white pululu

"Please follow me to the discussing room in order to prepare yourself for the first game!"

"It's almost time for me to shine~" Said Lonkey

"Shine as escaping prisoner😂" Said Popo, laughing at Lonkey

Running Man Animation Season 2 [AU FANFICTION] - HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now