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Popo's POV

"Then let's start it!Remember, a very short sentence like 'a, is must be added by another words guys'" I said

"Okay, I'll go first"Said Lonkey "One"

"One day"Kuga continuing the words

"One day there"Said Pala

"One day there is an  "I said

"One day there is an ugly"Said Lonkey

"One day there is an ugly Monkey"Said Kuga

"One day there is an ugly Monkey named" Said Pala

"One day there is a ugly Monkey named Lonkey!!" I said loudly as I laugh, and all of us laugh, and of course except Lonkey.

"You guys, how dare you, are you betraying me, POPOOO!!!!" Said Lonkey Chasing Me, of course I run as fast as I can, avoiding his long hand trying to catch this incredible magician, Popo! Gyahahahh!

Suddenly Gai get in here, he seemed to be curious

"Did someone said monkey? Someone called me?"

"Oh, we're not calling you, it's just the One day there is a ugly Monkey named Lonkey!! word, it's the connecting words game"Said Pala laughing again.

"Ohhh I see, never mind, sorry to bother you guys, I'm leaving you can continue"He closes the door

"Hope you're having a good time with Miyo!"Said Pala shaking his staff thing

"Well...thanks"Said Gai from the outside, with his footsteps sound sounds getting far

"Fiuhh, I thought he is gonna yell at us for mentioning ugly monkey words" I said while wiping my sweat

"Thank goodness he is a patient person"Said Lonkey "Now, lets continue our unfinished business"And here we go again, I must start running T-T

Miyo's POV

Zai, Pai, and Mai go outside, to Gia's room so I don't feel annoyed they said, while I'm finished eating the chicken soup that Gai made, I don't want to approve it but still I want to eat it again, I think I could find it more soup in the fridge, and it's true! I found some pot of soup in my fridge. I kept eating it again and again until now...Im eating the last bowl of soup.

"This is really surprisingly delicious, I gotta approve Gai's cook taste really great"I finally finished eating

"Um, th-t-thanks Miyo, gll-glad you like it"Gai gets in my room, I froze as I heard Gai's voice

Gai's POV

Oh no...is she mad at me..w-will she scratch me with her claws?! "Uh-um, sor-"

"Thanks for the food"Miyo already washed the dishes, thats..quick "Here"She lend my pot that I used every time I cook, i-is this a dream "Hey, my hand is not robots hand, hurry up do you want to take this or not?"

"S-sorry, eh..hahaha..."I take my pot

"Do you need me to help you with anything?"

"I-its okay, no need to help me with anything"I blushed, I'm about to go back to my room, suddenly something appeared infront of me, it takes time for me to realized if that was...a bomb? Why is it here?!

"Watch out!"Miyo push me far away from the bomb

"Miyo!!!"My eyes getting blurry, I fainted somehow, when I woke up..Miyo is gone, I try to find everyone to tell them, but they also dissapear, neither Liu, Popo, Lonkey, Pala, nor Kuga were in their rooms. where are you guys...wait a second, footsteps?

"Who is that?! Answer me!" I take my shuriken out from my pocket throw it to that unknown person

"Looking for someone? Well, me too"He talks

Miyo's POV

W-what the heck is this round thing on my head? A daruma thing? From the structure, i guess? Wai- it disappears. Wait, how's everyone!

"Liu, Lonkey, Kuga, Popo, Pala! Are you guys allright?!" I try to check them to make sure they all here. 

"Ow...that hurts"Said Pala

"Wait a second...where the heck are we?!"

"Heii...where is Gai?"Said Liu looking at all of us

"But the main thing is where are we!!!"Popo scream really loud, that almost make us deaf "THIS IS SO ANNOYING!! SO ANNOYINGGG!!!!"Popo rolling on the floor

"Could you stop your annoying scream?!"Said Kuga

Running Man Animation Season 2 [AU FANFICTION] - HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now