Unknown Place

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Liu's POV

"Could you stop your annoying scream?!"Said Kuga

"S-sorry, please forgive me mighty Kuga"Said Popo bowing

"Forgive me because I annoy your conversation, my friends..."Lonkey walk and stop between Kuga and Popo."but can you guys look our condition right now?!"Lonkey point at the surroundings, there are lots of people from unknown tribe surrounding us.

"We are the pululus tribe! All of you are arrested because stopping the olcus from saving the world! "Said one of them

"What??!! But we saved the world from olcus destroying the world! We prevent them to not die. What is actually going on here?! Why are they attacking us? Not praising us?"Said Popo

"This is so not funny..." Said Miyo, looking her surroundings

"All right guys, fokus! We need to figure out how to get outta here!"I said

"Right!"Said Kuga, Miyo, Popo, and Pala at the same time 

"Hiiyy!! Kuga, please guard me!!" said Lonkey go to Kuga's back

"Heh, why would I protect you? You're no one to me, plus, I'm not your bodyguard! besides, you can also fight long neck!" Said Kuga as he prepared to attack the unknown tribe

"Could you two stop fighting for at least a day?" Said Miyo

"Guys, remember, our priority is to escape! Don't let your self distracted by other things!Got it?"I said

"Got it" Said all of us, expect me of course, it'll be weird answering my own question

"Operation Escaping from unknown place, starts now!" As I finished said that, we start attacking the pululus guards

"the one who rules the card!"Said Popo lifting his magic cards*Popo's theme song* "Dragon fire card, activate!"Popo hold his card and then throw it to pululus tribe.

"*gasp* I can't believe I found it here!"Said Pala, he found some ingredients for his special medicine.

""Pala, watch out!!" I point at Popo's magic card to warn Pala

"Medicine is almost ready!"Said Pala while shaking his staff "Wha-?Noooo, I gonna get burned soon"Pala is running to another direction, to the pululus tribe.

"Wait, Pala! Don't go to that direction!"

"I-got it!"Said Pala "Wait, what.."Pala taking a look at the Pululus "Oh no!"Pala immediately shake his staff and drink his potion, but its to late, the pululus captured Pala as hostage and then all of us stopped in place

"Why do you always find his ingredients in the worst time..."Said Miyo

"Sorry, can't help it, hehe"Said Pala answering Miyo as he still surrounded by the pululus

"The plan failed Liu, now what?"Said Lonkey "We are now gonna be eaten alive!!"

"Hm... even if Pala was not captured..I still havent figure out a way, so lets just follow what they want for now..." I said

"We are out numbered" Said Kuga

"This is so not good"Miyo still taking a look at her surroundings,

"Silence!"A grey (omg I misspell it as gey XD ) pululu suddenly appeared at the top of us, he seems to be sitting on a moving throne chair? "I'm, Akong gonna make you pay for stoping the mighty earth god rescuing the world!"

"Ugh...now what..."Said Miyo

"A short, grey ugly creature appeared, he must be up to something!"

"You should check yourself in front of the mirror brother~"Said Lonkey, laughing at popo "You and that creature are twins"

"G-guys, I guess Akong is up to something" Said Pala

Akong use his mask and make some mysterious aura, suddenly I feel like going to faint...I have no power....."G-guys...." I take look at the others, trying to reach them, but it seems I lost consciousness.

Miyo's POV

"Wait...where am I?"I take a look arround "this looks like...a living room"

"My head hurts..." Said Pala

"Are all of you all right?" Said Liu, making sure all of us here

"Hey guys! You all already awake!" Someone came in

"What the?! How did you get here??" Said Popo, notice the boy voice first

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"What the?! How did you get here??" Said Popo, notice the boy voice first

"Huh?!" Said Lonkey

"I don't know what is happening here..." Said Kuga

"GAI???!!!" Said all of us surprised


"D-di-did you miss me Miyo? Ehe..." Gai scratch his head

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