It's running time...

190 5 4

It's guessing time XD, "____" means mystery words, I wonder if someone could guess it!

Blue Iron Robot's POV

I gotta check if __ ________ is in good condition, but...oh well it seems now isn't the right time. That Liu...I gotta be careful with that grasshoper, he'll be a big threat for me. 

Oh well, I can't believe more step and I'm close to that. the ___ ___'_ play is over, there's no need for me to use disguise as that ______!

Miyo's POV

It's just my imagination or I heard ________ person...sounds creepy, I hope it's gone soon. Now...whatever the game is, it smells fishy, it feels like that 'Akong' is gonna do other trick..

*stares at Akong*

"Why do I always get bad feelings..."I groan and try to breath in and out then I stare at that blue cat mask like guy, it's weird, he just seems familiar, but I cant remember who?

*Drum & trumpet plays*

"Discussion time's over, let's start the running game shall we?" Said Akong loudly

Right after Akong finished his words, one of the white pululu beside him start talking, "The game name is survival! What you need to do is to find impostors around you. If you succeed on finding the impostors, then you all will be free!"

"But if you fail, and the impostor captured all of you then you shall be in the prison for 1.000.000 years, and only the impostors shall escape," said the other white pululu

*panicking prisoners*

"Well that's bad news...and that'll be terrible if the impostor is one of my own friends, well I don't think you worry much about this right? Whoever your name is. "

"I wouldn't like it either," he said, unexpectedly

The white pululu continue to talk "remember! when entering the realm cooperating with other team is prohibited, and could make you eliminated immediately!"

"now lets check the team once again!"

Team 1                                                                              Team 2

Liu                                                                                        D.V 4

Kuga                                                                                    Pululu 1

Zen (The blue giant robot)                                        

Team 3                                                                                Team 4

Lonkey                                                                                  Pululu 2

Popo                                                                                      D.V 5

Pala                                                                                        Unknown

Team 5                                                                              Team 6-20

Miyo                                                                                     random pululus (?)

Ninja K (Cat head)


-  "I'ts running time _____, don't dissapoint me this time," said Akong, smirking  -

*Magic Labyrinth activated, 70 running man(s) enters the realm, 5 impostors left*

"Miyo, Lonkey, Popo, Pala! Careful!" Said Liu while waving his hands.

"You too!" Said Popo

"Good luck you all!" I said


And the some seconds after that, a bright light transport us to different place, now it's only me and this ninja K.

"Lets do our best," said Ninja K (Miyo knows Ninja K's name from the white pululu's announcement btw)

"Yeah, let's do"

That Akong doesn't say anything about an impostor in our own team, what a nasty creature he is, I can feel he's laughing.

Popo's POV

"Hey Lonkey guess whats behind you!"

"Huh? Where?!" Lonkey fell for my trick, look at how's he panicking, but he immediately looks at me again as he realize if its a lie "You...LITTLE, how dare you!"

"Haha! take that! It's my revenge, special just for you!"

"POPO!!! You little!" Said Lonkey while strating to chase me with his long scary hands, ready to punch my face

"H-h-hey guys...What's that behind you..."Said Pala pointing something behind us

"No, not you too Pala, and I'm not falling to the same trick, again!"


*someone touches Lonkey's shoulder & mine*

"L-LO-L-LONKEY....thats your hands right?"

"It's not."

"R-RUN!!!!!!!!" Said Pala Loudly and start running


"RUN FOR YOUR LIFE T0T !!!!!!" I said, while go running with Lonkey and Pala

*Magic Labyrinth still activated, (??) running man remains in the realm, (?) impostors left*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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