Problems Pt.2

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Kuga's POV

The two most annoying people in the world came in to my room, its a good thing that they leave quickly. Especially that long neck, arggh, I always want to throw my fist like this *wooden dummy punch sound*and then kill him, tear him into pieces and the feed him to rats!

Hm? It's so noisy out there, I wonder what does all of them talking about. Forget it, I must focus on my practice, yeah, that's more important than thinking what are those noisy peoples talking about.

"Hey Kuga" someone opened the door

"Who!" I said as I look behind, preaparing to punch

"Easy! I just come here to give some food" Oh, it's just Gai

"You preapared food supplies before you came all the way to this place?"

"Yup, and I already give it to some of us. M-miyo, and you. I'm leaving, I gotta go find the others" Said Gai, leaving some food

Rema's POV

This place sure is fancy. Now I must find some information why does this ' Akong ' guy kidnapped one person from each tribe. 


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Hm..let's see the areas that I already marked.. (checking camera in the tracker)

*small sound of footsteps*"Hey, how is it going?" Spin whispered

"On my way to hack this place's computer system" I answer him as I wait for the system to be hacked "You?"

"I'm done with putting traps around that place"

"Let's go! there are some other business we need to attend."

"Some? not just some, there are like lots of things to do~" Said Spin

"Come on, professionals mustn't complains"

"whatever you say captain" Said Spin, while we running to our destination

Gai's POV

"Hey guys, I come with food," I said while getting in to Liu's room

"How do you know we're here?" Said Pala

"Well I heard loud noises" I said "Its very obvious..." I said, and the I got my attention distracted well...I saw angel i-s passing through 0///o "H-hey Miyo hows the food"

"Taste fine" She said, still walking and getting far...Her face says the food taste really great, this a big success for me?! (I only give Miyo much more food than the others)

"Oi oi! Do you even listen what I'm saying?!" Popo's angry at me

"Sorry, I was just-"My words are cute by Liu's

"We know, no need to tell us" Liu laughing at me, so are Pala and Lonkey

"Hey, does anyone even know I'm angry over here?!" Said Popo, still angry

"Now now, calm down brother, just enjoy how the conversation flows~" Said Lonkey "You'll calm down soon"

"Whatever Lonkey"

Miyo's POV

Something is wrong...I'm sure of it, but I don't know what is it. So what is that?! This is really making my head spin around!

"ARGGGHH!!" I was really confused, something pops up in my head, some blurry memories. I must find out what is that!

I'll try to discover my memories in my head, I'm leaving my body control, and making it like spacing out on my own bed, of course for guard, I close it with blanket.




I dive in to my memories....




"What? Gai with a giant bag of food? The detective that I and the others meet in the running man express? I never remember this!" Suddenly its getting blurry again, like I thought, there is something wrong! My thoughts always right all this time! I try to dive deeper




"Blue helmet Guy?" I notice that I saw my self getting unconscious on the floor because red explosion that I ever saw somewhere...and I saw a white peacock turning into- Suddenly I got pulled , my soul is coming back to the surface.

"Miyo? Miyo! Are you feeling unwell? I heard you screamed," Gai checked my temperature through my head "Its unusual for you to sleep this early in the afternoon"

"Maybe, I guess I'm" I pretend to be sick so he won't be suspicious, I mustn't talk much, or I'll spill out some information. For now, I'll tell Spin and Rema, I'm sure they can help me with this. I don't want the others got involved.

"I'll get you some water, stay here!"

"Okay" I faked a thin smile

"I-I'll go get it now." He said, leaving

Everything is getting obvious!

Running Man Animation Season 2 [AU FANFICTION] - HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now