Problems Pt.1

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Popo's POV

"Hm...I'm so bored, I'm gonna try to go to Lonkey's room, but I wonder which one is his room" I said as a walk to the hallway

I don't want to admit it, but i gotta say this place is fabulous. this one Lonkey's room?

"Hey Lon-" I stoped talking...this is Kuga's room 

"Who?" Said Kuga

"Fo-forgive me...Lo-l-lord Kuga, wrong ro-om" I closed the door, fiuh... I thought I gonna get killed, I'm sweating all over my body. "Okay...then it must be this one! " I opened the door beside Kuga's room

"Wh-what-tat is-it Miyo?" Gai's voice? I also heard slapping face sound

"Who's that?"Said Miyo, taking some of Gai's shuriken from his weapon pounch, and...I guess she gonna throw it to me!!!! 


"GET LOST" Said Miyo while staring at me "There are some information that you shouldn't know right now, are you trying to kill yourself?"

"I'll go! I'll go!"I said while running, making dust flying everywhere " Where the heck is Lonkey's room?! I'm almost die! TWICE! I hope there is no THRICE!"

I stopped in front of another room..."Please this one is there right room, please let me be alive" I said as I opened the door.

"Who's there?"Said Liu

"Oh, it's just you Liu, I thought this time I gonna die killed by a ghost" I said while relived.

"By the way, Popo, how's the others? It seems you go take a look around. I heard your voice, vaguely. Is something wrong?"

"I almost get killed"

"Hey guys" Pala get in to the room

"What's up Pala?" Said Liu

"You guys remember Gai said that take a long time to get here right?"

"Yea, so?" I said, still puzzled by what does Pala mean

"I think we lost consciousness in a day" Said Pala "I guess that explained why some of us is hungry, including me."

"Hm..that make sense" Said Liu

"Wait, if it's like that...I have three questions..." I said "One, I wonder what are the pululus planing, two how are we going to get outta here, if we can't even find a gap in this room...When I go to Miyo's room I take a peak behind the curtain, there are lots of pululu's guarding the place, and three...ARE WE GOING TO DIE IN STARVING AND THIRST?!" I panicked "This is not fair!!So not fair!!"

"I get it-I get it, just calm yourself down, we'll find the solution together soon"

"Yea, calm yourself Popo" Said Pala

"How could I calm down when we are going to diee" I said as I cry

"There you are! You know? I almost die killed By Kuga just to find you all! I'm die bored cause there is no one to talk to if there's none of you, and I almost die because Kuga almost break my royal neck!" Said Lonkey

"Well, you're standing right there still alive" Said Pala

"BUT ALMOST DIED!!!" Said Lonkey "Can't you see pain everywhere?!" Lonkey points at his bandages.

Miyo's POV

I was picking up tha shurikens belongs to Gai that I thrown to Popo, can't hold it, this information shouldn't be known by the others yet...if I told them right now, their reactions will make Akong suspicious.

"Uhm, do you really need to throw shurikens to Popo?" I said "and...Miyo, um, what's bothering you about me?" Said Gai, continuing the conversation that was cut by Popo

"Here's your shurikens, sorry for throwing them without your permision" I return the shurikens to Gai

"Thanks, I'll treas- I mean keep it, yeah..." He said as he keep his shurikens in the diffrent pocket, I don't know why, but it's not my business

"And about what's bothering me, well...never mind it's not that important to say, forget it" I said, well I better not tell... "You can go, staying here will be a waste of your time"

"Thanks, I'll go, b-but by the way... I think our tal-lk it's not a waste of time...I-have a great time" Said Gai "well then I'll leave now..." Said Gai leaving the room.

Hm..I wonder why Akong bought six of us here...if it's about olcus...then Akong must bought Gai too...this is fishy, and I don't like it!

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