part 1

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It was the last day of school and I was walking with my friends.

Bill's brother had recently gone missing. So I felt sympathy for the boy.

"So how does it work again?" Bill asked for the 6th time that day.

"They slice the tip of his dick off," Eddie said raising his hands.

"But then Stan will have nothing left! Next thing you know they're gonna turn him to the crowd and say 'where's the meat' "" Richie joked.

"Shut up richie," I laughed.

"Your no fun y/n," richie said making a annoyed face.

As we walked stan joined us. I jumped on his back and he gave me a piggy back.

Eddie looked annoyed but also kinda... jealous. I brushed it off as him being him.

Stan carried me out to the trash cans and put me down.

"Now jump in richie," I laughed.

"Ya richie," eddie squealed

"Shut the fuck up you two," richie blurted.

"Hey what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Eddie asked.

"Start my training." Richie said pushing up his glasses

"What training?" Eddie asked.

"Street fighter,"

"Oh c'mon is that how you wanna spend your summer, inside of in arcade?" Eddie asked confused.

"Beats spending it inside of your mother." He said raising his hand for a high five.

Stan immediately shot him a dirty look and shoved his hand down.

"We should go to the quarry tomorrow." Stan suggested.

"W-w-what a-a-bout the b-b-barens?" Bill stuttered.

We all looked over to a worried mother... the mother of Betty ripson. The poor ladies daughter had went missing also.

"Is she expecting to see her here,"

"Ya it's like she has been hiding at home for the past few weeks."

"Do you think they'll find her?"

"Sure, in a ditch, all decomposed, covered in worms and maggots, smell like Eddie's mom's underwear."

"Shut it richie," I screamed.

"Ya shut it rich," stan said.

"She's not dead she's m-m-missing." Bill said sternly.

"Sorry bill, she's missing. " Richie said apologeticly.

"You know, the barrons aren't that bad. Who doesnt love splashing around in shitty wat-"

I look up to see my brother on the ground along with stan.

"Nice frisbee flamer,"

Shit, Patrick was the most crazy out of the entire gang.

Bulch burped in Eddie's face, making him gag. I helped up stan and rich th en made my way to eddie who was feeling very sick.

Finally they were walking away until bill said," You s-s-s-suck Bowers,"

"Shut up bill," I whisper screamed.

Henry stopped in his tracks and turned around, giving bill a smirk.

"You s-s-s-s-say something b-b-buh-buh-Billy. You got a free ride this year because of you little brother."

He looked at a cop who was at the school with Betty ripsons mother.

"Free rides over, for you a d your faggot friends," he said licking his hand and putting it on Bill's face which made me gag.

I realised that I was holding Eddie's hand. I was blushing and I saw that Eddie's face was also red. I let go of his hand.

"Ooooooooooo y/n has a boyfriend," richie giggled.


"Dont call me that," he snarled.

Stan looked upset. I didn't know why.

"Hey stan are you ok, you look sad?" I questioned.

"Hm, oh um ya... I'm ok," he gave a smile.

"Mk well you can tell me anything."
I told him.

He looked much happier. I love stans smile. I jump on his back again but this time he wasnt annoyed.

I look over at eddie to see that he is looking at stan with a mad glare in his eyes.

"Hey eddie spaghetti, you ok?"

"Ya I'm fine," he said giving me an amazing smile.

Geez they all have awsome smiles. I look into his chocolate colored eyes. Their so soft looking.

"Hey y/n we need to talk later ok," eddie sighed.

Hey yall how are you, well hope you guys like this.

I love yall. Bye

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