Make it hard to breath part 11

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Y/ns POV
I told Eddie that I think it was time for me to go to bed. He nodded and asked if he could stay the night. His mom and mine were out of town because I dont fucking know why.

"Sure, you can sleep on the bed and I'll take the floor," I said smiling.

"Oh no, that's fine I'll stay on the floor,"

"Are you sure? I mean, your the guest and you should be comfortable."

"Yes, I'm sure."

Tomorrow we were going to hang out with the losers so I would tell them about my  "powers".

Mike and rich stayed in his room while Ed's and I stayed in mine. I wanted to decorate my room so bad but I haven't had time.

I layed in my bed, thinking about how I would tell them. And how weird the day was, and how mike would react about eddie staying the night.

(Little side note, this is your fear because we will be seeing that in a sec. Your scared of being alone, being hated, small spaces, and your dad.)

"Hey eds,"


"Good night," I said.


I slowly began to fall asleep when I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey y/n/n," the voice said creepily.


"Come here y/n/n," it said once again.

I got out of bed and followed the voice, thinking it was richie.

Once I got downstairs it was completely dark. I went to turn on the lights but when I did I saw my dad.

"Hey y/n/n," he said once again.

"Daddy?" I said terrified.

"That's right, it's me. Are you still my little girl y/n/n?"

"Y-yes d-daddy," I said with a stuttery voice about to cry.

"That boy doesnt love you, he hates you, hes just lieing to you to try and manipulate you,"

"No, you're lieing, it's not true."

The walls to the room began to close in. I sat in the middle of the room holding my knees, sobbing and trying to scream.

My father began to turn into a strange clown and I finally let out a loud scream and I heard feet running down the stairs.

"What the fuck is going on!" I heard richie say.

"Holy shit, go help her richie!" Eddie screamed.


I closed my eyes tightly and richies hand went on my shoulder. I get up and hug him and eddie.

"What the hell was that?" Richie asked.

"I-I dont k-kn-know," I said shaking

"We better go to bed, try and forget what happened." Eddie suggested.

"Ya, that sounds like a good idea." I replied.

I went to my room and got in my bed. It was freezing so I got under my blanket. Me and eddie didnt go to sleep, obviously.

"Hey eds?"

"Ya y/n?"

"Can you come up here, I'm really scared."


Eddie got up in bed with me and hugged me, trying to calm my shaking body down. Eventually I fell asleep no longer thinking about the clowns terrifying face (poor pennywise).

"Y/nnnnn," a very familiar voice called to me.

"Yes?" I called back.

"I hate her, shes so ugly, I don't even love her!" I saw eddie speaking those words and I began to cry.

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