GAZEBOS part 2

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"That's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy." Stan said trying to scare eddie.

"Where? W-wheres the poison ivy?" Eddie stumbled.

"Nowhere, not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley."

"Ya Stanley, stop tormenting him," I said.

As I almost walked into the barrons eddie grabbed my arm.

"Dont go in, its grey water."
(More like gay water... shit wrong story)

"What the hell is grey water?" Richie asked.

"Its basically piss and shit, so I'm just telling you. You guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of darry pee, are you seriouse what are yo-," eddie squealed.

Richie put a stick to his nose and smelled it. That just made me and eddie almost through up.

"Doesnt smell like caca to me senor." Richie said with a accent.

"I can smell that from here," me and eddie squeaked.

He looks at me and blushes. Damn he is so cu- I mean ya hes pretty cool.

He looks away and squeals, "Have you ever heard of a staff infection."

"Oh I'll show you a staff infection."

"This is so unsanitary, I mean have you ever heard of listeria or- AAAAH," he screamed as richie threw a disgusting bag at us.


"Guys!" Bill shouted.

He held a sneaker.

"Shit, dont tell me that's," Stanley stuttered.

(Ok from now on, I am not quoting the movie... sorry. It's kinda like a new story except it's still eddie x reader so ya I wanna be original so ya bye)

We left the barrons and I was holding Eddie's hand.

Bill and stan looked pissed but I couldn't tell why.

Oh shit, they they have a fucking crush on me.

I let go of Eddie's hand and run towards Stan.

"Can I jump on your back?"

"Fine, but later today can we come to my house, we need to talk."

"Ok." I said confused.

I jumped on his back and again eddie looked sad and bill looked more pissed.

"Hey Billy, what's the matter. Are you ok,"

"Hm, oh y-yea I'm f-f-fine y/n. Can we talk tomorrow?"


When me and stan got to his house he put me down. I went inside and his parents greeted me. They were always very nice to me. We went upstairs to his room and he closed the door. I sat on the chair in his room while he sat on his bed.

"Y/n there is something I need to tell you, and I know that you..."


"Well let me just show you."

He leaned in so fast and kissed me. I didnt know what to do. I didnt like him... I think I like Eddie. I quickly pulled away.

"Sorry stan but I dont like you like that. I really love you but not in that way, I like someone else."

"Is it bill?"

"No, its umm............ well its......... Eddie. But I love all of you guys just not in that way."

"Oh, ok that's fine, just know that if eddie does anything fucked up, that I'm still here, and I love you, and I always fucking will."

I hugged stan and he hugged back, i played with his hair and went home. When i got home my mom said," oh sweetie, your boyfriend is here, hes in your room,"

"Who? I dont have a boyfriend,"

"Eddie kaspbrak I think he said, he said that you guys were hanging out so I assumed that meant you were together,"

"Oh, ok um thanks mom,"

I ran upstairs to see eddie on my bed calmly waiting for me.

"Oh hey y/n,"

"Hey eddie, is there a reason you are on my bed?"

"Oh yea, um we need to talk. See you know how we've been friends since kindergarten, well I didnt really notice this until last year when you and stan got super close. I felt... jealous... jealous of Stanley. I didnt know why but when we were at the quarry and I saw you, you know... in your undergarments... I knew that I had a crush on you, a huge crush on you, and I know that you like Stanley but i just felt like you had to kn-"

I kissed him before he could finish his sentence. I couldn't believe it, Eddie liked me back. I held him in the kiss. Finally I let go of him holding his hand.

"But I dont understand, I thought you liked Stanley?"

"No... I've liked you for awhile.... but I couldn't tell you... I was to afraid of being rejected."

"Oh.... I'm so sorry, I should have known. I love you so much. We have to get ready for the sleepover at Bill's house... I'm already ready so I'll just wait for you."

"Thanks Ed's."

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