Dont forget your inhaler Part 10

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Ok, I am you guide from last chapter to this chapter. Basically last chapter you found out that will and eddie had a fight. You threw will agains off of eddie with you powers and helped eddie fix his wounds. When eddie fell asleep you went down to check on Will and talk to him. He asked if he could kiss you again and you said yes but only for Eddie's sake. When everything was over you looked away and just so happened to see Eddie, standing in the doorway. Ok boom baby I did it. Ok bye. Why am I writing this at 3 in the morning, idfk. Ok bye. Oh and by the way... luckly for you I feel nice so I will put a happy, and not cliffhanger ending.

Y/ns POV
When it was over I look the other way to see non other than eddie.

He looked like he'd seen a ghost, but much more upset then that.

"Eddie... i-it's not l-like that..." I stuttered out.

A hurt and angry expression plastered on to his face.

"LIKE WHAT! MY GIRLFRIEND KISSING HER EX! BECAUSE THATS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE TO ME... I-I dont get it... i mean, i hurt him for you."

"Eddie please, I have a good explanation... I promise." I said allowing the tears from my eyes roll down my rounded cheeks.

"GOOD EXPLANATION!?! THERE US NO EXPLANATION FOR THAT!" eddie said also allow tears to fall from his watery eyes.

Will stood up and walked up to eddie, his bruises still as clear as day with dried up blood surrounding his white thin face.

"Its not her fault, I asked her if I could kiss her again and she said yes but only because she wanted me to apologize to you and help you out. I'm so sorry for what this may seem like but it's not the case. Just forget about me and go together. You better for her anyways." Will said smiling lightly and looking back at me.

Eddie looked dumbfounded as he heard Will speak.

Will left soon after and eddie came to the couch, sitting next to me.

"Is that true?" Eddie asked, studying my eye movements.

I nodded and hugged him tightly, resulting in his losing his breath and grabbing his inhaler.

I laughed and said,"Dont forget your inhaler,"

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