Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I didn’t want to do anything today so I texted jen ‘I am soo sorry to cancel Jen but I really don’t feel like doing anything today I am soo sorry. I just feel rubbish.’ I sat down to watch TV when she replied ‘it’s fine Katie, hope you feel happier soon. I can come over if you want?’ I smiled ‘it’s fine Jen I would rather be alone. Sorry’ I watched TV all day. I watched all of Josh’s films. I missed him so much. I wasn’t hungry. The day went by really slowly. I fell asleep on the couch. I heard a loud bang come from the TV and Jumped up. I was defiantly awake. I looked at my phone, 11:26. I had a text from Josh ‘Morning Beautiful, I miss you soo much only 5 more days and about 12 hours. I want to come back and see you, Have an amazing week. There isn’t very good signal out here, so if I don’t reply then just remember I am always thinking about you. Love you’ A tear came to my eye, I missed him more than I had ever missed anyone ever. I giggled because he thought I would be asleep. I didn’t reply because if I did it would ruin the whole cute text. I went upstairs, brushed my teeth and put my pyjamas on. I got into bed. I woke up to my phone vibrating. It was dad. ‘Hello’ I said, to emphasise that he woke me up. ‘Oh Katie you finally pick up. Well I have some news for you.’ He paused. ‘Yes? What news’ I asked. No one replied for abit. ‘Katie… we are moving to England for my job, isn’t it great?’ My heart stopped. I couldn’t breathe. Everything went black. ‘Katie honey are you there?’ Was all I could hear? I had passed out. ‘Oh yeah sorry Dad I dropped my phone’ He could never tell when I lied. ‘Yeah dad sounds amazing. What about my friends and school?’ I asked, trying not to sound upset. ‘Oh you will make new ones. Oh and when we are back in 12 days. We are leaving.’ WHAT! I have 12 days to say goodbye to my life, my friends, my house, my neighbourhood and especially MY BOYFRIEND. How do I tell him? How do I tell Josh I’m leaving in 12 days? ‘What dad! No that’s ridiculous! I can’t go not now!’ I yelled. ‘Tough Katie you are leaving whether you like it or not! We will see you soon. Bye’ He put the phone down.  I screamed. I hated it. Why me? I cried myself to sleep. I woke up at 3 in the afternoon. I had skipped Breakfast and lunch. I dragged my duvet downstairs. Grabbed a tub of ice cream from the freezer and sat down on the couch and watched P.S I LOVE YOU. That’s going to be like me and josh. Never seeing each other again. I had to text him as much as I could, while I had the chance. I hadn’t even replied to his last text. ‘I am sorry Josh that I replied so late, It’s just I have had some bad news and I didn’t want to text you back because I knew that I would have to tell you. I miss you tones. I love you’ I burst into tears. My phone vibrated. ‘Aww babe, are you okay what bad news? I am just about to board the plane. I coming home babe. I love you I will be back in 5 hours.’ ‘5 HOURS HES COMING HOME IN 5 HOURS’ I screamed. I have to meet him at the airport. I got into the shower. I was in there for about and 1 hour and 15 minutes. I thought about everything me and Josh had done together, and the things we hadn’t. I told myself that we had to do it. That he would be my first time, It had to be that way otherwise it would feel wrong. I thought about how I could tell him, how I could tell him that I was moving half way around the world. I got out the shower and dried my hair. I curled it and looked through my wardrobe. I picked out the nicest outfit I had. I rang up the takeaway down the road and ordered a salad. I didn’t wanna eat a pizza because my breath would smell and I didn’t want to eat nothing otherwise I might feel ill. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. I opened it, It was Kayden. 

A Dream Come True- Katie's POV A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now