Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I grabbed the magazine. I was fuming. I paid for it all and walked home. I wacked the front door open. Josh was sat watching TV. Josh could tell I was angry‘Katie is you-u-u’ I cut him off ‘HOW COULD YOU!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!! AFTER EVERYTHING WE TALKED ABOUT LAST NIGHT YOU KEPT THAT FROM ME’I yelled. I threw the magazine at him He looked so scared. ‘Katie calm down it’s not what it looks like I promise’ He said calmly. ‘CALM DOWN, CALM DOWN JOSH!! ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS! YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME. YOU LIED HOW COULD YOU!!! I MIGHT BE PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD AND YOU HAD JUST CHEATED ON ME WITH ANOTHER GIRL!!’ I screamed. He didn’t reply. I had just registered what I had said. I tear came to my eye and I ran to my room. I slammed the door. I was sobbing. Josh knocked on the door. ‘GO AWAY!’ I shouted. ‘Katie please let me in I want to explain. You don’t have to talk I just want you to listen to me. Please’ I felt so bad that I hadn’t given him a chance to explain. I got up and opened the door. My arms flung around his neck and his hands went round my waist. ‘I’m Sorry I over reacted Josh’ I blushed, I was so embarrassed. ‘Katie babe sit down’ I did what he said and sat down on the bed. He sat down next to me and got hold of my hand. ‘Katie, I didn’t kiss her. She kissed me. It was my ex Shannon Wada. My mom set us up a coffee date thing where we could catch up, I told her about you and everything Then she grabbed me and kissed me! I pushed her away as soon as she touched me. I swear down, please believe me. I didn’t kiss her! Katie I love you’ Josh was starting to panic now. I interrupted him. ‘Josh honey its fine I believe you, I just can’t believe she would do that even after you told her about me?’ Was she jealous? ‘I think she hasn’t moved on, and Katie what did you say about-t-t’ I knew what he was going to say next so I kissed him. I didn’t want him to ask about me being pregnant, I wasn’t even sure. ‘ Josh I need the loo, I will be right back.’ I got the test out of my pocket and followed the instructions. Nothing came up, phew. I was so happy. I put it in the bin and went back to my room. I just remembered I had to tell Josh. ‘Josh I need to speak to you’ I said. The smile on his face had gone. A look of worry appeared on his face. ‘Yes Katie?’  Josh replied. ‘Josh I don’t know how to say this because it will ruin everything and you might hate me for it.’ The look on his face got worse and worse. ‘Ermm…’ I couldn’t say it. ‘Ermm…’ ‘Ermm…’ ‘Ermm…’ ‘Katie!! Just say it!! Are you pregnant?!?!!?’ What was Josh on about? ‘What Josh? I’m not pregnant. I’m moving.’ I could see why he could think I was pregnant, because I threw up, had a pregnancy test in my hand when I walked through the door and I yelled it at him. ‘Where to Katie?’ Josh asked. A tear came to my eye. I burst into tears. ‘I-i-i-m-m-m m-mm-ovin-g-g to London-n-n’ I sobbed out. Josh stood up and walked out of the room.

A Dream Come True- Katie's POV A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now