Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

After I collected the book and thanked everyone involved we walked to security. Josh was allowed to come with us. He got us into the business lounge and upgraded to first class. Mom thanked him. So did Amelia and so did I. 'Katie can I talk to you?' Josh said. I nodded and got up. Josh pulled me away from mom and Amelia. 'Katie' Josh began. I butted in. 'I'm sorry I don't remember you Josh. I don't want you to hate me, but I just don't know what to say or do because I don't know you and I don't want to hurt you. You seem so lovely and Perfect and all my family love you but I don't know who you are. I am sorry Josh.' I said. A tear came to my eye. Josh hugged me. 'Oh okay Katie. Don't worry about what I was going to say. But please take this and keep it so that when you see it you can just remember me.' Josh said handing me a box. I opened it. It was the ring I had on in the hospital. 'It is your engagement ring.' Josh said. I put it in my pocket. 'Thank you Josh. I will try and remember what I know about you when I see it' When I finished my sentence , our flight was called. Mom and Amelia came over with the luggage and we walked to the gate. Amelia and Josh hugged. Amelia whispered something to Josh and walked away crying. Mom hugged josh and Josh whispered to her. It was my turn to hug Josh. I hugged him, he whispered. 'I love you' To me. I didn't know what to say back. 'I know you don't love me anymore. That doesn't mean I have to stop loving you.' I began to cry. 'Don't cry Beautiful. You don't remember me, so there is no need for me to be in your life anymore. Just have fun without me and try not to get in anymore accidents.' He said to me. I was full on crying now. I grabbed amelia's hand and we walked into the gate. Mom handed the man our tickets, he let us in. Josh was waving. We walked and walked he disappeared. I couldn't do it. I let go of Amelia's hand and ran back to him. He was gone. 'JOSH!!!' I yelled. A man about 10 meters away turned. It was Josh. I Ran to him! He did the same to me! I jumped and he caught me. I locked my legs around his waist and kissed him. 'I love you' I said to him. He smiled 'I love you too. But I cant do this to you. You don't remember me and I can't do it. I am sorry Katie. I love you! But I have been told if you love someone that much you will let them go and if they love you too, they will find their way back to you. I want that not to force you to love me' I began to cry. 'Go gorgeous. Just remember I love you and always will. Smile and stay strong.' He kissed me and walked off. 'JOSH!! I yelled. He didn't turn around this time. I saw him bend down. His phone had fallen out and smashed. Amelia tugged my arm. 'Katie they are all waiting for you.' 'Oh I am sorry' I said to Amelia. 'Quick Beautiful we need to run' I grabbed her hand and we ran to the plane. We go in our seats and the engine started. I never knew how much I needed him till now. He was gone forever and I could never get him back. I think I loved him and he loved me, I could tell by the way he looked at me on that day and in all the pictures, that he was truly in love with me. I know it's not normal to apparently date a celebrity, but for me, apparently it felt normal.


A Dream Come True- Katie's POV A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now