Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Me and Josh walked to his car. I sat in the passenger seat and as soon as Josh got in, I leaned over a kissed him. Josh started the car. 'Oh Katie, I am going to get a tattoo done now do you want to come or do you want me to drop you home?' Josh asked. 'I want to come please!!' I begged. 'I want to get one too' I replied. 'Are you sure?' Josh asked. 'Josh ever since I was thirteen I dreamed of getting a tattoo on my rib cage saying 'Believe' with you holding my hand. Now my dream has finally come true so I am getting on no matter what you say. I will just text mom and tell her.' I replied. Josh nodded. 'okay then' Josh replied. We pulled up and got out, Josh grabbed my hand as we walked in. 'hey' The man said. 'Hey Carl, I brought someone else along.' Josh said. 'Oh that's okay, do you want to go first? Or does she?' Carl asked. ' I will go first, if that's okay Josh?' I said, looking at Josh for confirmation. Josh nodded. I laid down on the bed and pulled my shirt up. 'I want believe written here.' I pointed to the right side of my rib. Carl smiled and nodded. 'I have always wanted to do a tattoo like that' Josh held his hand out. I grabbed it. 'It will be fine.' Josh whispered to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. The machine started and the needle was making a piercing noise. I let out a small yelp. Josh looked at me and smiled. 'Be Brave gorgeous. This is your dream remember.' Josh said. I smiled. In 5 minutes, Carl was done. It looked amazing. 'Wow!' Josh said. 'Thank you so much, I love it' I said to carl. ( Katie's Tattoo looked like this It was Josh next. 'Carl I want two now, I have just changed my mind.' I was shocked. Josh had 3 tattoos already and they were quite big 'Katie don't worry they won't be big.' Josh said to reassure me. 'Carl I would like Katie written around my wedding ring finger and I would like to have and additional star added to my Libra tattoo please.' Carl nodded. I swapped seats with Josh. Josh's additional star didn't take long. Josh let out a yelp. I state of panic rushed through me. 'Babe its fine, I just flinched and it hurt. I am fine' Josh said. I smiled. My name tattoo however took a while as Josh kept having to move his hand into a position right for carl. An hour and a half later we were done. Josh grabbed my hand and we walked to the till. 'so Carl how much?' Josh asked. 'Nothing Josh. I don't want to charge you. Let it be on the house.' Carl replied. 'No! that's unfair.' Josh replied. He wouldn't take no for an answer. In the end he did. Me and Josh got in the car. I kissed him. 'What was that for?' Josh asked. 'I love you and I want to kiss you? Is that okay' I said. 'That is fine with me' Josh said and laughed. We kissed for ages. ' I will love you forever and always' Josh said. 'I will love you forever and always' I replied. Josh started the car and began to pull out into the road. We started to drive back to my house. 'I love you' I said as I grabbed Josh's hand. That's when Josh lost control of the car. Someone going at 90 miles per hour had hit the side of the car I was on and made the car lose control. We were spinning and it all went black.

A Dream Come True- Katie's POV A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now