"I Think I'm In Love"

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Chapter 2
Derek's POV:

I steal a look at Garcia, she's sleeping, she looks beautiful. All of the sudden JJ gasps.
"Look we're here! It's so beautiful!"
I tear my eyes off of Garcia to look outside my window, it was very pretty the sand was yellow in the morning sun. Garcia had an aisle seat so she came and sat next to me and leaned over me to get a look. I smelled her perfume as she practically sat on my lap.
I took deep breaths trying to memorize the smell. I caught JJ watching me and glared, she smiled and went back to her case file.
"Our Un-sub has a malicious way of showing he's boss." Hotch says out of the blue.
"Unlike you, who does it without killing people." Prentiss says chuckling.
"He actually uses Rohypnol, " Reid points out. "That means that he drugs them with the date rape drug then he beats them up-"
"Then he slashes their throat" I say finishing his sentence.
"Alright, JJ and I will head down to the police department, Morgan and Garcia come with us, Morgan will help set up the computers. Rossi, Reid, and Prentiss go to the last crime scene then make your way to the others.

Penelope's POV:
I was happy that Morgan was helping me set up. Every time he looks at me, my face gets hot and I can't help but smile.
"What can I do to help?" Derek says strutting up next to me.
"You could carry my purse." I say handing it to him.
He fell to the ground.
"Derek! What's wrong?" I say leaning over him. He sat up laughing.
"What is in this thing?" He says, still laughing.
"Oh my God you scared me! I thought you were hurt or something!"
"No baby girl, I'm fine, that was hilarious though."
I was still shaken up, but when he called me baby girl I snapped out of it.
"What can I do to help you set up?"
"Nothing really, just plug in the HKP chord into the outlet there and plug the RGH chord into the server."
"English, mama"
"Sorry, the big chord to the outlet, the small one to the server."
"You know, you should teach me how your whole system thing works sometime."
"Right, and your going to let me shoot your gun." I said sarcastically.
"No really, you show me your computers, and I'll show you how to shoot a gun."
"Your gun?"
"Yes my gun."
"First lesson, you pull up the program- er the icon right here, and then you type what you want to find..." I like looked at him and he gazed into my eyes.
He leaned down and typed something into my computer, I froze.
"Derek- we can't." I protested.
"I'm sorry, I really am. I just needed you to know."
"Derek, that doesn't mean I don't feel the same way." I looked at the screen, the window had eight letters written inside it 'i love you'.

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