Showers of Love

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Chapter 18
Penelope's POV:
I woke up with a jolt, I sat up and Derek was taking some papers from the doctor, probably my discharge papers. He walked in,
"Good morning- er, afternoon, Baby Girl."
"Hey, Hot Stuff. Are those my discharge papers?"
"Why yes, they are! Would you like to leave?"
"Yes! Right now."
"Okay, can you stand?"
"I can try."
I tried to stand up but my knees buckled under me. Derek picked me up and put me in the wheelchair. He started pushing me down the hallway and leaning down every so often to kiss my cheek.
"I need to lose some weight." I said suddenly.
He stopped pushing me, "What did you just say?" He asked.
"I need to lose some weight, I mean, if I'm going to be your girlfriend-"
He kneeled down in front of me, "If I ever hear you say that, ever again, I will cry. Penelope Garcia, you are the most beautiful girl that God has ever created. If you want to lose weight, you can. Whatever floats your boat, but if you think that I want you to be thinner, the answer is no."
"You don't think I'm too thick?" I asked.
"If you think your thick, then I must have a thing for thick girls, because you, my baby girl, are perfect."
I must have been blushing really hard, because he smiled and kissed me. He stood up and pushed me the rest of the way to the car. He then picked me up, "See? This is nothing." He said with a peck on the lips as he sat me in the car.
I waited until he got into the car before I said, "You know, I think you're the best thing that ever happened to me." I said.
He answered with a deep kiss. We sat there, the kiss getting deeper and deeper by the second. Soon, his hands were running through my hair, and my hands were up his shirt and around his waist. I ran my hands up and down his muscular back. He then started running his hands down my shirt and around to my butt. He grabbed it and I laughed, "Naughty boy!" I said. I ran my hands down to his leg and rubbed up and down it quite seductively. He moaned and I looked down at his jeans. A huge lump was in between his legs, "Very naughty." He said.
I broke away from the kiss and looked at him, I couldn't help it, I leaned in again, we kissed, and kissed for at least thirty more minutes. Both of us were gasping for breath and he was in just jeans, I had nothing on but my bra and shorts.
"Garcia? Can we do this again tonight?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.
"Only if your a good boy."
He sat up nice and straight and cranked up the car. "Yes ma'am."
I laughed and he put his shirt on drove us to the hotel. By the time we got to the hotel, both of us were fully dressed. We got out and he helped me walk to the hotel room. He unlocked the door and he picked me up and threw me on the bed.
"I said you had to be a good boy." I said very seductively. He leaned down and kissed me, he moved from my lips to my cheeks then to my neck then down my chest, I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and he kissed me and in places that should not be discussed.
(Time Lapse)
Derek's POV:
I woke up and looked at Penelope, she was under the blanket and I was on top of it, 'I guess she was readier that she looked.' I thought to myself. I walked to the shower and turned it on, as soon as it was warm I got in. A few minutes later, I realized that Garcia was standing in the doorway, she walked over and sat down on the sink.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"No, just enjoying the view." She said walking up to the shower.
"Really? Then why don't you come get some hands on experience?"
"Gladly!" She said sliding out of her robe. The shower lasted longer than I expected but I was fine with that. After we got out and dressed, I helped her pack her things, I then drove us to the airport to get on the jet that would take us home.

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