Shipping and Hospitals

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Chapter 12
Emily's POV:

I noticed Morgan and Penelope's behavior change slightly since we'd arrived in Honolulu, but when Derek left the house to talk to her, his body language became relaxed, like he was comfortable. I knew that they had started dating, it was quite adorable actually, the way he looked at her just studying her, studying the way she moved. I thought about confronting him and telling him that I knew, but when Reid walked out (obviously with the same intentions) he walked back and shook his head at me. I knew it would be hard on them to keep it a secret, but if thats what they wanted, so be it.
I strode over to Reid and leaned over a pool of blood. "What the heck was that all about?" I asked.
"They don't want Hotch to find out." He said. "If Hotch did find out, well, we both know what would happen."
"Ugh," I grumbled. "I love them though!"
"In the internet world, there's a thing called 'shipping', and it pairs two fictional characters up and you can supposedly sail your 'ship' and hope that that certain pair, actually get together. Although many people have started shipping real people instead of fictional characters. So, you could say that you 'ship' Morgan and Garcia."
"Huh. I haven't heard of 'shipping', but I guess I do ship Morgan and Garcia." I laughed.
"Honestly, I think the whole team does." Reid whispered.
I thought about when I had a huge crush on a business partner, before I joined the BAU. We started dating and kept it a secret until he told one of his other partners, (who turned out to be gay) why he couldn't date him. Number one, he was straight. Number two, We broke up after he told his friend. It was too much pressure on me. I did understand why Morgan and Garcia would keep it to themselves.
"Hey Prentiss?" Reid said.
"You promise not to tell?" He said. "Morgan would beat me to pieces if he found out I told you."
"Yeah, yeah, Pretty Boy I promise." I said laughing. He gave me a 'don't push it' look and that just made me laugh harder. If anything, I was glad I had Reid to give me a few good laughs until things went downhill fast.

Penelope's POV:
I was staring to hate being stuck in my little office. I wanted to move and work (hopefully with Derek), maybe if I lost a few pounds, lifted some weights... Who was I kidding, I was going to be in here for at least another four years. So was Derek, that was the only thing I looked forward to, seeing him in the mornings, or whenever, it didn't matter to me. When I looked at my computers monitoring the security systems around the station, I almost jumped out of my chair. There he was, standing outside of the police station, the hood and sunglass made it difficult to see him, but it was him. I was sure. My fingers flew toward my phone and I called Derek.
"Hey mama-"
"He's here!" I shrieked. "He's right outside, oh my gosh he has a bomb! Derek help!"
"Hotch! We got to go! NOW!" I heard him scream. "Baby girl stay on the phone. Go to a closet, bathroom, somewhere without windows, towards the middle of the building."
I ran to the janitors closet and shut the door. "Now what?"
"Stay on the line, listen to my voice. I'm right here, you're safe, it's all okay." All of the sudden a huge boom shook the building, I screamed, tears streamed down my face. "DEREK!" I screamed. The supplies fell on top of me as I fell to the floor. I passed out and fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up, my fingers tingled and I tried to sit up. I couldn't, I was trapped under something heavy.
"Penelope!" I heard Derek scream.
"Help! In the closet!" I yelled.
I heard footsteps run toward the closet. The door swung open and Derek was standing in the doorway. He immediately threw the self off of me and wrapped me into a bear hug.
"Baby girl, I thought I had lost you."
"Derek, I love you." I whispered over and over again as he sat down beside me. I sat there and kissed him for a few minutes.
"You need to go to the hospital."
"I'm fine, you healed me up quite nicely." I said with a smile.
"No, I'm taking you to the hospital."
I looked at him with pleading eyes.
"No. Get in the car now." He said sternly.
I tried to stand up but I fell.
"I can't move my legs!" I said shakily.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, there is no way I'm getting in that car without help." He stood up and hoisted me up, almost immediately my knees began to give out. He caught me, and helped me all of the way to the car. There was no longer a door, but a massive hole that was still smoking, the entire station was completely destroyed.
"My computers-"
"They're fine, when I went searching for you, I found them. Officers are taking them back to the hotel."
"Oh thank you," I said closing my eyes. "Okay, lets go I need to..." I felt myself fall into a deep sleep.
I woke up in the hospital, Derek was leaning over me. I tried to sit up but my insides felt like lead. I groaned.
"Hey baby girl." He whispered with a smile.
I tried to say, 'how long have I been out?' But what I said was. "Hob log hag I ben hout?"
He suppressed a smile. "About five hours."
"How lob hab you beg her?"
"About five hours."
"Youb stayed fbor me?"
"Of course! Did you think I was just going to leave you here?"
"Libble bit."
"Your meds will be wearing off soon."
"Goob. I heard kissbing makes the mebs wear off fasber."
"Hmm, I have to say, I'm pretty sure I heard Reid say something along those lines." He said leaning down to give me a kiss.
I smiled and leaned up to meet him in the middle. We stayed like that for a few minutes until Prentiss walked in.
"Hey guys, oh! Sorry!" Prentiss said walking in. " Bomb Squad found phenobarbital residue on the impact zone. So, Reid said he might have miss calculated the poxison or something like that. We think he was just trying to drug everybody, not kill anyone."
"How many people died?" I asked.
"So far only two, the other five are in surgery." Prentiss said.
"It's going to be fine. We will catch him." Derek said softly.
"Hey Morgan? Can I talk to you for a second?" Prentiss asked.
Derek stood up and walked out of the hospital room. Prentiss said something and Derek covered his face with his hands, something he did when he was stressed. She said something else and he nodded. He made a few gestures and pointed at me. She said something that calmed him down and she smiled. He smiled back, a pang of jealousy seared through me. He was MINE, how dare she- 'Stop.' I told myself he would always be mine. Besides, he can't blow our cover. I sat and watched as Prentiss left and Derek walked back into the room.
"Spill it."
He rubbed his face and sighed. "She knows. I mean, she saw us kissing so... She said she wouldn't tell anyone but, damn!"
"Derek, if Reid and Prentiss know, then Hotch probably knows too. If you don't tell him, I will. He can pull some strings, Strauss will never know."
"Baby girl, please-"
"Derek, if you don't tell him by tomorrow, then I'll tell him myself."
"Fine. I'm glad your okay, I was worried. From now on, I'm staying with you, we are having to relocate to the police station about three miles away from the other one. Your computers are on the way there now." He yawned.
"Go, get some sleep. I'll be fine here."
"Very funny, Reid is filling out your discharge papers right now. You, my pretty lady are coming with me." He said with a grin.
"Fine by me, help me sit up."
He leaned over and helped me sit up. I slid over into the wheel chair and he rolled me to the SUV. Reid showed the discharge guy my papers. Derek hopped up into the drivers seat and drove towards the hotel.

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