Your Secret's Out

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Chapter 14
Dereks POV:

I was worried that the ride to the hotel would be awkward but Reid just talked about the case and Garcia messed with her laptop. When we finally got to the hotel Reid grabbed his coat and thanked me for the ride. I hopped out, and helped Garcia out of the car.
"Thank you." She said. We walked to the elevator and I pushed the button, she looked around, making sure no one was looking, and then held my hand. We walked into the elevator and the doors shut behind us. I leaned down and gave her a kiss. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me back.
"I didn't tell Hotch." I said softly.
She stepped away from me.
"Why not? You had to have been in that room with him for at least an hour."
"I was crying the whole time."
"The doctors told me that something in that bomb could have gotten into your lungs, that it might have killed you. I was worried sick, I was pacing and punching things and kicking myself for not staying by your side." I whispered.
"Derek, look at me, I'm perfectly fine. Just a few bruises, and scrapes."
I looked at her, "Penelope Garcia, I love you."
"I love you too."
"No, I mean, I love you, love you. I never want to have to live without you." Tears welled up in her eyes, she leaned into me and I hugged her until the elevator stopped on our floor. I walked her into our room and she went to take a shower. I changed clothes and laid down on the cot. I thought about Penelope, the way she smiled, the way she laughed. I knew she was 'the one', I'd known that since the first day I called her 'baby girl'. When she got out of the shower and changed into her pajamas, she pulled me off the cot and pulled me under the covers with her. I pulled her close and breathed in the smell of her perfume.
"What kind of perfume do you use?" I asked her.
"It's called 'Midnight Love'."
"How did you find it?"
"I think someone got me a bottle of it for Christmas one year and I liked it, so I bought some more."
"I like it." I said smelling her again. "Almost as much as like you." I said nuzzling her neck.
(Time Lapse)
I woke up at 6am and slid out from under the covers, I quickly got into the shower, letting the water hit my face. I washed, then dried off quickly. As I stepped out of the shower, Penelope jumped out from behind the door.
"Rah!!" She screamed.
"Ahhh!" I screamed jumping into the air. I glared at her as she laughed grabbing her stomach.
"Yo-you scream like a little girl!" She squealed.
"I'm gonna make you scream too!" I yelled, running at her playfully. I grabbed her and slung her on the bed. I tickled her until she was laughing so hard she was crying.
"Please! Please stop! I can't breathe!" She said laughing.
I leaned down and kissed her neck, then both of her cheeks, and then her mouth. She rolled over and my towel started to slip. She reached behind me and pulled it back around me.
"I'm not ready to go that far," she whispered in between kisses, "but maybe one day." I propped up on my elbows.
"I'm no where near that point either." I said glancing at my watch. "We have 30 minutes, we need to get ready."
She stood up and hugged me. "I'm glad that neither one of us is ready."
"Me too." I whispered.
She grabbed a dress and leggings and went to the bathroom. I changed into a fairly tight shirt and jeans. Penelope walked out in a blue satin dress and black, skin tight leggings. She reached into her bag and pulls out a blue headband with a white flower on it. I opened the door to the hallway and smiled.
"My lovely lady."
"Why thank you kind sir." She said sweetly.
We walked to the elevator and rode down to the lobby. As we entered the lobby, I saw Reid holding JJ's hand. I pulled Garcia out the way and we watched as Reid planted a kiss on JJ's lips.
"Oh my..." Garcia said.
"I guess he has to keep our secret now," I said, "because now we have to keep his."
"But you have to tell Hotch today." She said standing up.
"Baby girl I promise, I will."
We saw Hotch come out of the elevator, JJ and Reid separated just in time. We walked into the middle of the lobby with Hotch and I gave Reid a pointed look.
"Is there any news on Kevin?" He asked, breaking the tension.
"None so far, we have officers canvasing a ten mile radius of what we believe to be the comfort zone, but that will take days." Hotch said. Prentiss and Rossi walked up, completing the circle.
"Hotch, you know as well as I do that we don't have a few days." I said, instinctively stepping towards Garcia. Reid then gave me a pointed look and I stepped away from Garcia. Hotch looked at me with mournful eyes, "I have no intentions of putting anyone on this team in any danger."
"Hotch, thats our job," Prentiss said, "we signed up for this. This is what we do, we hunt down bad guys. We've been targeted before, every single one of us, Garcia has been through this before, she knows what to do. We will find Kevin, we will 'take him into custody'." She said using quotations. Reid gave her a confused look. "We will kill him." She explained.
"We will do whatever is necessary to handle the problem." Hotch said, confirming the fact that Kevin would die.
Garcia cleared her throat, we looked at her with apologetic looks.
"I'm just glad he'll be gone." She said, we looked at her shocked. "What? We broke up, and he started stalking me. Heck yeah I'm glad he'll be gone."
"You didn't tell me he was stalking you." I said, hurt.
"Well I don't have to tell you everything." She murmured.
Everyone started moving towards the SUVs after that. Reid and JJ hopped in one and Garcia and I hopped in with them.
"Alright Reid, we won't tell anyone, I swear. JJ, we know about you and Reid." I said filling her in. "Reid also knows about Garcia and I," I said explaining, "So now, you know too." I directed at JJ.
"Morgan, we wont tell anyone," JJ said, "but how did you know?"
"You might not want to make out in the lobby." Penelope teased.
"Spence! I told you someone would see!" JJ shrieked.
We all laughed.
"Just be glad it was them and not Hotch." Reid laughed.
"Speaking of," Garcia said, "I told Derek that he had to tell Hotch."
"We talked about it, but we don't think it's a good idea." JJ said.
"We think Hotch will be okay with it since Garcia is just a techie." I said teasing her.
She laughed as we pulled up to the station.
"Alright, glad we got that taken care of." I whispered to Penelope.
She nodded, "About Kevin stalking me, I didn't want to tell you because I knew it would just fuel your fire. I'm sorry, no more secrets, I promise."
"It's okay. Besides, I already know what will happen to him."
We walked into the precinct, and I walked with her to her office. She gave me a hug.
"Be safe, please."
"Of course." I promised.

After Will and I separated, I had begun to hang out with Spence a lot. He loved Henry, and Henry loved him. We started dating 2 months ago, I still couldn't believe that Morgan and Garcia had seen us kiss! I was kicking myself until he said he wouldn't tell. Spence was a wonderful man and a great boyfriend, I loved him and we had already decided that Hotch couldn't know. Both of us were profilers, I envied Morgan and Garcia's relationship, the techie and the profiler. We couldn't afford to lose our jobs. Ever since Will and I split up, I was just scraping by. Thank heavens for Spencer, he took Henry back to school shopping, and didn't except any money for it. He brings vegetables from his garden and Henry helps take care of it with him. I was so grateful for such a wonderful man in my life.
Rossi and Prentiss were staring at the murder board, Reid and I joined them.
"I just don't get it." Rossi exclaimed. "How do you hide from the FBI for three whole days?"
"I have know idea." I answered
Prentiss looked at Reid, "Insert statistic right about now." She said grinning.
"The average person comes in contact with approximately 576 security cameras every day. If Garcia is tracking most of them, then he isn't going out into public at all." Reid said.
"So we're looking for a bloody needle in a haystack." Rossi said.
"Technically, finding a needle in a haystack would take about forty five minutes depending on the size of the haystack, and solving a series of murders usually takes us four to five days."
Rossi looked at Reid, "This is my 'I don't care face.'"
"That's your regular face." Prentiss pointed out.
We all laughed and Morgan walked up. Prentiss looked around, "Good heavens Morgan! Everyone knows! Spill it."
Morgan looked at me, and Reid and we shook our heads. "Know what?" He said evasively.
"You and Garcia are dating." She whispered.
"Does everyone know?" Asked Morgan.
"Pretty much." Rossi said.
"Well, this is great!" He said sarcastically, "I get to go inform Hotch about a situation he is already aware of." He walked over to Hotch and pulled him into the conference room.

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