Family Time

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Chapter 19
Penelope's POV:
As we boarded the jet I made a joke about joining the 'mile high' club. He looked at me with hungry eyes.
"I'm kidding! Besides, Hotch probably has hidden cameras in every corner."
"You're right, after last night I should be fine."
I slapped him but he caught my hand "Derek, let go." I said with a fake whimper.
"I know bad acting when I see it." He said smiling. He pulled me to the back of the jet and sat me down in the seat beside him. He leaned over and pecked me on the lips, I grabbed his face and pulled him in for another. The kiss quickly got heavy and soon, I was sitting on his lap.
"Okay, seriously, Hotch probably has cameras." I said.
"I don't care." He said, and kissed me again.
(JJ's POV)
I was sitting in my office and looking at my computer, for the first time in a while I was bored. I decided to put my computer skills to work, I clicked a program that Garcia had set up for me and I started hacking. Soon, I had hacked into the jets hidden cameras and microphones, I knew that Hotch had installed them recently, and they weren't to hard to hack. I pulled up the live feed and almost spit up my popcorn snack. There they were, she was sitting on his lap and was kissing him. I started laughing so hard Reid came into my office,
"What wrong?" He asked concerned.
"L-look!" I said laughing.
"Oh my gosh!" He started laughing.
I pulled out my phone and took a picture.
"What are you going to do with that?" Reid asked looking at my phone.
"Text it to Garcia and tell them to stop before Hotch sees."
"Don't! If they get in trouble that's their fault."
"What? Why would we do that? I love Garcia! I would never let something like that happen to her!" I said looking incredibly angry.
"Okay! Calm down I was just kidding!" Reid said.
I sent Garcia the picture and we watched the camera feed, I turned the sound on and we heard her phone ding. She got up and reached into her bag, we saw her open the text and her face got very red. She looked up towards the camera.
"If you can hear me," she started, "and you give show this picture to anyone, I will personally, hack into both of your computers and mess all of your stuff up!" She said.
By that time, Derek had walked up and looked at the text. His head shot up and he glared at the camera. "Hey Pretty Boy, we'll tell Hotch about you two."
Reid's head snapped up, his hands flew to his phone and he shot Derek a text, I looked at it. 'We won't tell if you don't.' It said.
Derek looked at his phone and he nodded. He walked to his bag and pulled out a roll of duct tape, he taped the camera and the microphone making it impossible to get any feed. I turned the camera off and looked at Reid.
"Could've been worse." I said.

(Derek's POV)
I looked at Garcia, "Well."
"Well." She said
"Shall we continue?"
She slapped my arm, "No! We just got caught!"
I smiled, "Please?"
"Fine." She smiled.
"Well," I said slapping her butt, "that wasn't too hard."
She leaned in and I grabbed her hips and pulled her towards me. She complied and we continued until the pilot came above the intercom saying we were to land in ten minutes. She got off of my lap, fixed her hair, and re-applied her makeup before we got off the plane.
I drove us to her apartment and she packed an overnight bag. I drove her to my apartment and she went to take a shower. I waited until she got out before I gave her a kiss. I walked into he bathroom and took a quick shower. When I came out Garcia had a solemn look on her face, "You need to go home." She said.
I looked at her confused, "Uh, this is my home."
"No, Chicago home." She showed me my phone. There was a notification on it from my sister, 4 missed calls. I grabbed the phone and speed dialed her.
"Derek! It's Mom, sh-she is in the hospital. The doctor said the MS is getting worse."
"We're on our way." I said quickly, I hung up the phone.
"We?" Garcia asked.
"You're coming with me, I want you to meet my family. Everyone will be there and...this might be the only time you get to meet my mom."
"Oh baby, don't say that." She said giving me a hug.
"I need to pack." I said.
"Okay, I'm going to go back to my place and pack more clothes." She said. She grabbed my keys and walked out of my apartment. Now I had time to think. My sweet mother, her MS had been getting worse, everyone knew it. I had been waiting for a call like this for weeks. I wanted Garcia to come with me, I wanted her to meet my mom. I threw my clothes into my go-bag and I waited on Garcia. As soon as the car pulled up to the apartment, I ran out and she moved to the passengers seat. I put the car in drive and we drove to the airport.
"I called Hotch, he's giving both of us a week off to spend in Chicago."
"Thank you baby girl." I said, my head was clouded with thoughts of my mom. "My mom, she was the only one that listened to me when I was bullied in high school. And before you ask, yes, I was bullied. I was 5'4" and 120 lbs after Thanksgiving and being soaking wet. I got my butt kicked every day, my mom, she listened, she tried to talk to the principal, but he didn't believe her." I paused gauging her reaction. Her eyes were full of sympathy, but not like a kicked puppy, like a proud sense of sympathy. I continued, "When she was diagnosed, everything fell apart. But-" I looked at her, "but when I met you, and you flirted with me, you helped me. You didn't know it, but, you saved my life. I thought about taking my life, but every single time, we ended up having a case and you were always there. Always there with your sassy remarks or your sweet flirts. I knew I loved you, but you were with Kevin."
"Baby boy- I don't know what to say," she was crying, "I didn't know, why didn't you tell me?"
"I was afraid you would think I was weak."
"Okay, weak? Look at you! Your muscles are as big as my face!" She had stopped crying, "I think you are the most fascinating, sexiest, wonderful, man I have ever met. You mean everything to me." Now it was my turn to cry, I looked at her and she took my hand. I squeezed it, and she held it until we reached the airport.
"Wait, our tickets." I said.
"Okay, don't be mad, but I hacked the airport network and booked us two first class seats to Chicago in 45 minutes." She said looking at me.
"Mad? I love you! Thank you so much!" I picked her up and spun her around. We ran all the way to security, and I showed them my badge, she showed them hers and we were let through the security line to our gate. We were the first to board the plane and I reached into my bag for my iPod and headphones, why weren't they in there? I got up after we took of and looked in my carry on. I looked at Garcia and she was digging through my bag, "I found it." She said pulling out my iPod.
"Thanks babe." I said sitting down.
She pulled her laptop out of her bag and I fell asleep with my headphones in. I woke up to Garcia shaking me, I sat up and we were landing. She smiled, "I'm ready to meet Mommy Morgan." She told me.
"She's going to love you." I replied.

(Penelope's POV)
I had done lots of research on MS on the plane ride to Chicago. I had learned that it might make Morgan's mother depressed, he probably already knew that. I was worried that she wouldn't like me, I wanted to find ways to help her with her depression, I knew I needed to calm down but I was so nervous. Even my thoughts were flying through my head like lightning. We walked down to the parking lot and we jumped into the rental SUV. I was really nervous.
"Hey baby girl, are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm nervous, I want to make a good impression on your family. I don't want to mess up." I whispered.
"Hey," he said tapping my nose, "you're going to do great. My mom is going to love you."
"I feel like I'll have to measure up to your previous girlfriends."
"You want to hear the truth?" He asked.
"Of course I do." I said confused.
"I've never had any girlfriend ever meet my mom. None of my previous relationships have gone far enough for that."
"Derek, we've been dating for two weeks."
"But, if you think about it, we've been dating for way longer. The flirting, and all of the times we see each other at work, I've just been able to contain my emotions for a while, but not anymore." He said grabbing my thigh.
"I love you so much." I said kissing him.
"I love you too." He put the car in drive and drove us to a hospital near by.
We got out of the car and had started raining, he took off his jacket and covered me as we walked to the main door, we got into the elevator and rode to the eighth floor. We walked to room 872 and he knocked on the door, his sister opened the door,
"Derek!" She hugged him, "She's in here, she just woke up."
We walked into the room and Derek's sister pulled me aside, "Hi, I wanted to introduce myself, I'm Desirèe Morgan."
"I'm Penelope Garcia."
"Derek has said wonderful things about you!"

*Sorry this is so late! I will try to post weekly from now on!*

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