A Walk Down Memory Lane

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Chapter 10
Derek's POV:

We walk into the police department and Garcia walks to her office. I walk to the murder board. I stare at the pictures of the victims. All of the sudden, it hits me like a rock.
"Hotch! Hotch! Look at this!" I yell pointing.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Look at the bruising on each of the victim's stomachs. See that middle bruise? That is the imprint of a Merrill Trailrunner boot."
"How can you tell?" He asked
"I have a pair." I say.
"I'll call the morgue ask the doctor to measure the boot print, you go ask Garcia what size shoe Kevin wore."
I ran to Garcia's little office.
"What size shoe did Kevin wear?"
"Eleven, why?"
"Check and see if he ever bought a pair of Merrill Trailrunners."
Her face turned white as a ghost. "He never bought Trailrunners, I did, I bought them for his birthday. He killed three people in boots that I bought him."
I got a text, "Four, actually."
"We got another one."
"Laura Watson, you know her?"
Her face contorted into a heartbroken expression. "She was my best friend in high school. I was planning on visiting her after the case."
"You seem to have a lot of people in Honolulu." I say prompting for more information.
"I know, it's kind of weird actually." She says giving me absolutely nothing to go on.
"You know you can always go back to The States right?"
"I would never do that to the team. Alright, enough is enough, we're going to find Kevin right now. I've been tracking his phone and credit cards but he is probably using an alias." She typed a few letters into the computer. "Oh my gosh. I think I have something. He always said that if he could change his name it would be to something unique, so I ran one of the names he referred to as 'unique', and I got a hit. Collpark Sanders, a former police officer, clean record, fought in Afghanistan for six years..." She stopped.
"What is it?" I asked looking at the screen.
"He could have easily made this up, and obviously he did, but in his file is says he's married to one Penny Garcia."
"Have you never looked up your name in that thing and see what pops up?" I asked.
"'Penelope' would come up but not 'Penny.'" She says somberly.
"Okay, so he lied. He has been lying to us for a long time. Why would this be any different? And I also know that there is an address on that file, so hand it over." I smile at her.
"You are quite right. 4852 East Buncome Lane."
"I'll get Hotch. Send me that address." I say giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Sure thing, be safe!" She says as I walk out.

Derek's POV:
I walk into the bullpen of the police department. I glance at my phone and the address pops up.
"Already?" Hotch said looking surprised.
"She's the best." I replied.
We get in the SUV and drive to the house. I call Prentiss and Reid and tell them to meet us there. When we arrive Hotch gives us our orders.
"Morgan get the front, Prentiss and Reid get the back, Rossi and I will get the side door."
I walk to the front door and open it slowly. I turn to the side and put my flashlight on. Almost as soon as I walked in I saw them, four bodies hanging from the ceiling.
"Clear!" I say
"I've got something." I say.
"You sure do!" Says Prentiss with a gag.
I dialed Garcia, "Hey, we have four more bodies, I'm going to send their pictures, see if you recognize any of them." I sent the pictures.
"The first one is Luna Townsend, the second one is Ashley Wake, the third one is Katelyn Brooks." She said with a whimper.
"Okay, send us their files." I immediately got a text and so did the others. I walked out of the house and out of earshot of the others. "Listen to me, I will find Kevin and when I do I'm putting a bullet in his skull. Do you hear me?"
"Derek, I know you think you're helping, but you know I don't agree with violence."
"Baby girl, I'm doing this for you, but I'm also doing this for me, I walked past this man countless times. Never did I ever think that he could possibly pose as a threat to anyone. So, if you don't like the fact that I will kill this man for you, remember that I'm doing it for me too."
"Thank you." She said.
I could hear her crying. "Baby, you're going to be fine. Every cop in Hawaii knows what Kevin looks like. He can't be far, we've got him trapped."
"But you always say, that when a person is trapped that's when they're most dangerous."
"But he won't be dangerous in a building full of cops."
"You're right."
"Since when am I wrong?"
"Hmm. Okay, I'm tracking every alias I can think of, I'll call you if I get a hit."
"You the best."
"I know" she says sweetly.
"I love you."
"Love you too."
I hung up. I turn around and Reid was standing right behind me.
"What exactly did you hear?" I say cutting him off.
"I love you, love you too." He says mocking us.
"Please, you can't tell anyone, I could lose my job."
"I'm not going to tell anyone." He said laughing.
"Thank you so much."
"But you owe me!"
"Of course." I said relaxing.
That was too freaking close. If anyone else found out, I would lose my job. We had to be more careful. I walked back into the house and CSU started getting evidence. Hotch was talking to the chief CSU officer when I walked in.
"The chief said that they found all of the victims blood and other potential victims, he could be holding them hostage." Hotch said wearily.
"Did you get any sleep last night?" I ask him.
"No." He answered blatantly.
"Hotch, you can't survive off of 2 hours of sleep and expect to be on your A-game the next morning."
"It's none of your business how much sleep I get at night." He snapped.
"See? You can't interact with the mass population of Hawaii if you can't interact with me!" I exclaimed.
"You're right. I'll try to get some tonight."
"What did you just say?"
"I'll try to get some sleep."
"No, before that."
"You're right."
"Yes! The all knowing Hotchner has been knocked to his knees!" I shouted.
"Shut up and go look for evidence." He says smiling.
"Aye Aye Captain." I said walking away.
A few minutes later my phone rang.
"Hello my Chocolate Thunder,-"
"Baby girl, we got caught. We have to be more careful."
"Oh my gosh, who caught us?"
"Reid, he promised not to tell, but if Hotch finds out..."
"He won't, I swear. I'll be more careful." She says quickly.
"Okay, what do you have?"
"I was digging through Laura's life and I see a number of places where she and Kevin could have met. A coffee shop, the bank, in a hotel... It's pretty much nothing."
"Okay, well you wouldn't call me for nothing."
"True. Laura, and three other of my high school friends all use the same bank. What if they're targets or the other victims that you just found."
"You're one smart cookie, can I have some names please?"
"Sending them to you phone now." She waited a second. "Is it clear of unwanted ears?"
"Bye, I love you." She says.
"I love you too." I say smiling.

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