(3) Past - Rian

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Rian smiled softly as his brother skipped ahead of him gleefully. They had just finished destroying a small village and now they were heading towards the outskirts of Atlantide to cause some chaos there as well. He nearly grinned at the thought of causing destruction to a major city like Atlantide. 

Suddenly, Brandeen froze in his tracks. Rian's smile turned into a frown as he asked in concern. "What is it, brother?"

"Look, brother, look! I've never seen a human bear before, much less a pretty one!" Brandeen exclaimed quietly (but no less gleefully) as he pointed off in a direction. 

Curious as to who/what his brother was talking about, Rian moved forward and looked in the direction that Brandeen was pointing, only for his breath to catch in his throat. Walking along the beaten path was a handsome young man with a brown bear hat over his brunette curls. 

Brandeen wasn't wrong. 

The man was very pretty in both of their eyes. 

Rian exchanged glances with Brandeen and they both came to the same decision. He would be theirs. Was this a rash decision? Maybe. But never before had either twin looked at someone only to find their hearts racing in their chests. 

Brandeen wanted to confront their beauty right away but Rian quickly dissuaded him from the idea. It would be better for them to be more discreet with their advances rather than waltz up to him and declare him theirs. He had a feeling that that wouldn't go over well. 

So instead, the twins decided to follow the man. Maybe see where he lived for later reference. They followed the brunette beauty for a couple of hours before it started to get dark, giving Rian a sense of unease. He wasn't worried about him or his brother. They could tear any person or animal who tried to mess with them apart. He was, on the other hand, a little worried about their beauty. He may be theirs but he looked a lot softer, a lot more vulnerable than them. Then again, if it came down to it, they could take out anything that tried to touch what was theirs anyway. 

Seeing that their beauty had started looking around for a place to sleep, Rian turned to his brother to suggest they do the same. He only looked away for a moment, before stiffening as he heard a yelp coming from the direction of their beauty. 

The twins quickly spun back around to see their beauty pinned to the ground with someone looming over him. Rage engulfed Rian as he saw the fireball in the person's hands and he wanted nothing more than to destroy him. Before he could, however, he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

"We need to get that pathetic flame away from Pretty first," Brandeen told him softly and Rian understood what his brother meant. He stood aside as Brandeen worked his insanity magic, and just in time too. 

The man stumbled away from their beauty as his brother's magic took over, making Rian grin as he was finally able to release his crash magic on the scum that thought he could touch what was theirs. He let it engulf him once, twice, before seeing the man go still in death.

Now to check on their beauty. 

Walking forward, Rian just managed to get ahead of his brother to offer his hand to the brunette first. As the dark blue eyes looked up at him, Rian found himself lost in their depths. His heart thumped and he knew that a smile was starting to form on his face. He gently lifted the beauty to his feet before asking. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yes, I'm fine..." His heart thumped again. That stutter was adorable. Then his brother cut in with his usual insane banter (he nearly grinned when he saw the beauty blush a little at the pretty face comment from his brother). Brandeen then turned to him however and said. "Brother! We should take care of the body. I think the skull would be lovely for my collection."

He wanted to say no and keep chatting with the beauty but he knew why his brother said that. They didn't want to get their beauty in trouble because of the body. Not to mention, he knew that neither of them felt comfortable leaving the body for their beauty to look at, not with how fragile the man appeared. 

So he nodded and walked over to the body, throwing it over his shoulder before following his brother as he ran off. He knew that they had left a lot of questions for their beauty but at the same time, it wasn't like this was the last time they would see him. 


They'd be back. If only to make him theirs. 

AN: And there we have it, another chapter and another perspective to the first chapter. Yay!

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