(6) Present - Brandeen

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Brandeen was nearly vibrating as he followed his brother and their husband to the meeting place. It was exciting to finally meet their counterparts in person. Sure they had heard a lot about the twin guild leaders from both their husband and the grapevine but that was much different from meeting them in person. 

"I'm sooooooooo excited! Like super excited! Like super duper excited!" Silver and Rian smiled a little bit at his enthusiasm, Silver wrapping an arm around the smaller's waist. 

"Glad to see you're excited about this, love." Silver said with a light smile. 

"I'll admit, I'm also quite... excited about finally meeting our counterparts. Albeit, it's not the way I  originally imagined meeting them but this works as well." Rian commented with a shark-like grin as he wrapped his own arm around Silver. 

"I expect you two behave." Silver told them sternly. "We do not need this to be a stressful meeting."

"Don't worry, beauty, I don't intend to incite any stressful situations while we're here," Rian reassured him with Brandeen nodding in agreement. "Yeah, that would be a no-no! I'm just gonna asked them a bunch of questions all at once!"

"... Why am I not surprised that you plan on doing that?" Silver shook his head at the white-haired male. Brandeen for his part just laughed before pulling away from Silver and skipping ahead. "Brandeen! You don't know the way!"

"That's what you think!" Brandeen called back as he turned around a corner, which was indeed where they were supposed to turn. Brandeen had followed Silver enough to know the route well enough to navigate it (he only did it to keep himself from going even more insane than he already was).

He giggled a little bit as he heard rushed footsteps as his brother and their husband ran after him. They could be protective sometimes. He continued to skip down the path even as Silver and Rian caught up to him. 

The three continued walking until they finally reached the meeting place. Brandeen was ready to skip right in but Rian stopped him as Silver explained that he should probably go tell the others he had brought them first. 

As their pretty walked inside, Brandeen sat down on the ground and brought out a tube of glitter to play with. 

"You do realize it probably won't be too long until we can go inside, right, brother?"

"The doctor said that distracting myself with stuff like glitter would help me from creating any stressful situations," Brandeen said simply as he continued to play with the glitter. 

"When did our doctor say that?" Rian had to ask. 

"When you and Silver were freaking out the last time we were there," Brandeen said simply with a smile. 

Rian opened his mouth to retort that he hadn't been freaking out when Silver came back out and gestured for them to follow him, which they dutifully did. They passed through the doorway and walked to the meeting room, with Silver walking in first with Rian and Brandeen following after a moment. 

The second they walked into the room, they saw Ritchie and Brandon's eyes go wide even as Bri and Michael looked between the two sets of twins in surprise. 

"Hi!!!!!! I'm Brandeen! This is my brother, Rian!" Brandeen said as he bounced on his heels. "It's sooooooooooo nice to meet all of you! Especially our dear counterparts! Hi!!!!!! We've been wanting to meet you two for forevaaaaaaaaaaaa!" 

The other guild leaders didn't even know how to respond to that as Brandeen giggled and skipped forward to sit in one of the chairs at the table. Rian chuckled a bit at his brother's antics and he walked over to lean against the back of his brother's chair. 

"That's one way to do introductions." Silver shook his head with a fond smile as he stood beside his husbands. 

"I think I did introductions quite nicely!" Brandeen said cheerfully. 

"Mhmm." Rian nodded. 

The other guild leaders didn't say anything for a moment, Ritchie and Brandeen were both looking especially shocked. Finally, Ritchie managed to clear his throat and say. "When you said that you were going to introduce us to your husbands, I did not expect this."

"That is an understatement," Brandon added dryly at his brother's statement as he eyed his giggling counterpart.

"I might've forgotten to mention that they were your counterparts." Silver said rubbing the back of his neck even as his husbands exchanged glances of amusement. 

Ritchie and Brandon were about to ask how he had forgotten to mention that when Michael cut in. "Not that this isn't interesting but perhaps we can discuss this more after our meeting? We have a lot to discuss regarding the mission itself."

The twin guild leaders looked reluctant but nodded and with that, they got back to the reason they called this meeting in the first place. 

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