(8) Present - Silver

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Silver's face turned serious as they focused in on his husbands' mission. It was simple enough, infiltrate and get information on the Garden so that they could take them down. There was one main issue that Bri saw with their plan. 

"Do you two have any idea how you'll go about infiltrating the Garden? While I can't say they're exactly picky with their members, they probably won't take two unknowns without suspicion." Bri asked the two. 

He saw his husbands exchange glances before they chuckled. The other guild leaders looked confused, and Bri looked slightly insulted, so Rian explained. "Sorry, it's just my brother and I aren't exactly unknown."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Michael asked raising an eyebrow. 

"We got a reputation on the criminals' side of things which is why we usually get recommended for infiltration jobs.  What'll be harder is catching their attention, though I think we might have something for that as well." Rian explained as he glanced at his brother. 

This new information seemed to surprise the other guild leaders which made Silver roll his eyes. "Why do you think I suggested them for this mission? They know their way around when it comes to infiltration missions."

"Mhm! We've been handling infiltration missions almost since we joined the guild in the first place." Brandeen said letting out a small giggle. 

"I really can't take him seriously with all the giggling." Silver's eyes narrowed as he heard Bri mutter that. He was about to say something when a hand was placed on top of his and he looked over to see Brandeen giving him a soft smile before his smaller husband directed a glare up at his brother to keep him from saying anything either. 

The meeting continued with the seven of them going over the finer details of the mission and the other guild leaders sharing what information they currently had about the Garden. Once all was said and done, it was decided that while the twins would report on their findings together from time to time, Brandeen would be the one reporting back most often as to not give away any suspicions on where both the twins were going off to all the time. 

"That makes sense though it may be smarter to take turns with who reports back when you have to report back separately so that there is less of a chance of them getting suspicious," Michael suggested at hearing that part of the mission. 

"That would be fine if we were as deep into the network as we were in our former mission but with us just infiltrating now, there is no way that I'm leaving Brandeen alone with them." Rian automatically said no, making the other guild leaders look at him in surprise. 

"Why's that? My brother is no pushover and I doubt yours is either." Ritchie asked in confusion. 

"Oh that's correct, however, at this current point in time, I've been restricted in what I can and can't do," Brandeen explained. "I can help my brother to infiltrate and report back on the Garden for this mission, however, I'm not allowed to be left alone in a group of possible hostiles."

"Wait, you're on restrictions? For what reason?" Brandon asked curiously. 

"Cuz they're overprotective." Brandeen shrugged as he slumped down in his seat. 

"Brandeen, if we were being overprotective, we'd have restricted you completely, which is still gonna happen you know." Silver told the pouting male. 

"I know..." Brandeen sighed. 

"As Brandon asked, why exactly is he on limited restrictions?" Michael asked curiously. 

"Because I'm not letting them put me on full restrictions until I'm at least five months in, not when I'm only a few weeks in," Brandeen said sending warning glares at both Silver and Rian who did not look apologetic.

"Wait, what?" Brandon asked looking at his counterpart in surprise, the other guild leaders also shocked as well. 

"You're telling us that he's-" Michael stopped as the three nodded. "And you're letting him do infiltration missions?"

"As we said before, he's on limited restrictions for now and later he'll go on full restrictions. We also got some protection magic put on him as well so he should be fine." Silver said as to reassure the other guild leader. 

"Also, we tried to get him to forego missions or do simple missions and he blew his top," Rian added with a wince. 

"It was not fun." Silver said before doing his best to reassure them. "Though as long as they don't find out that they're spies, it shouldn't be too dangerous of a mission." 

"That is true." The other guild leaders seemed to agree with this statement, though they did look a little hesitant to let a pregnant mage infiltrate a dark guild.

"Relax, we've never gotten caught and my brother would never let anything happen to me," Brandeen said giving them a reassuring smile. 

This reassured the guild leaders just enough that they could finish, though the guild leaders still threw Brandeen some concerned looks even as they called a conclusion to the meeting. 

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