(11) Past - Brandeen

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Brandeen frowned as their pretty was late to meet up with them. 

Since the little tea party they had had, the twins had been managing to meet up with Silver a lot. It really made them happy, even if Silver hadn't realized that they were seriously flirting with him (the two were surprised at how oblivious he was). So far, they had been meeting up randomly though the last time they had met up, they had actually arranged a time to meet as the twins wanted to... well admit their feelings to the oblivious bean. They had arranged a whole romantic scenario and everything... but Silver was late. And they didn't know why. 

At this point, Brandeen was getting antsy. A million and one scenarios were going through his head. Was he running late? Was their pretty not coming? Did he decide he didn't want to hang out with them? Was he sick? Was he in trouble? What if he was in danger? Brandeen felt himself start to panic at the thought of their pretty being in danger. 

"Where is he..." Brandeen whimpered, causing Rian to hug him as to offer him comfort. 

"If you're talking about Silver, he's not coming." The twins jumped and spun around as they heard a deep voice. Standing behind them was the intimidating figure of their pretty's mentor directing a dark glare at the two of them. 

"What do you mean he's not coming?" Rian asked, concern coloring his voice.

"Is he hurt or sick?" Brandeen added, whimpering a little bit at the thought. 

"Silver is fine." They both sighed in relief at that, though they were now concerned as to the reason that Reaper was there and not Silver. 

"Why isn't he coming then?" Rian asked looking at the guild leader. 

"Simple, I'm not letting him walk into what is likely a trap to get killed," Reaper said crossing his arms as he looked at them with a dark glare. 

"Wait, what?" Brandeen asked in confusion.

"We're not luring him into any type of trap and we certainly aren't trying to get him killed!" Rian snarled out as he got what Reaper was saying, glaring back at the older mage with equally dark eyes. "Didn't we prove that when we saved him in front of you?"

"I'm not dumb, it is not uncommon for criminals to try and lure people into a false sense of security before striking," Reaper said before saying. "The fact that you set a specific place and time for Silver to meet with you just makes it seem more obvious that you were trying to lure him into a trap."

"What is it a bad thing to actually arrange a time for what we hoped would be a date?" Brandeen asked, crossing his arms as he pouted. 

Reaper went still for a moment when Brandeen said that before asking in an even darker voice than before. "Date?"

"Well yeahhhhhhh, we got frustrated from him not understanding that we were flirting so we wanted to make it clear and turn this into a date, hopefully," Brandeen said, not noticing the dark aura that was starting to surround Reaper. 

"... So let me get this straight, you two want to date my apprentice?" Reaper asked, his rage barely concealed. 

"Mhmm!" Brandeen nodded, not noticing his brother nudging him as he realized the guild leader's protectiveness over his apprentice. 

Reaper was silent for a moment before he re-quipped a very dangerous looking sword into his hand and asked in a low voice. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't skewer you two for wanting to date my s-apprentice."

Within seconds of Reaper saying that Rian pulled Brandeen behind him and growled at Reaper. "Like h*ll you're skewering my brother!"

Reaper growled back even as Brandeen peeked out from behind Rian. His brother and their pretty's mentor were glaring fiercely at each other, each ready to attack at a second's notice. But the thing was, the two were so focused on each other they didn't notice, as Brandeen had, someone walking up. And not just anybody. 

"Reaper? Rian? Brandeen? What's going on?" Reaper and Rian froze in their tracks as Silver came up to them. 

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