(9) Past - Rian

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Rian felt nervous as he and Brandeen waited for Silver to ask his first question for them. Honestly, he hadn't been too keen on the idea of just asking Silver over out of the blue but Brandeen had convinced him that a tea party would be a nice way to get to know him without being too forward. But still, it was never wracking, the only thing that was keeping him calm for now was the tea. Their Auntie's tea was great for calming down nerves. 

Their beauty was silent for a few moments before he asked. 

"How come the past two times I've been in danger, you two have shown up? I mean I'm grateful and all, but I didn't even know your names until a few minutes ago. It just seems odd."

Rian exchanged a look with his brother, the two silently communicating the best way to answer that question before Rian began. 

"Well, beauty the first time we saved you, we had honestly just stumbled upon you and when we saw you in danger, we decided to step in."

"The second time we were just in ze Atlantide for ze day and we actually ran into your mentor! We started to talk to him and when you got in trouble again, we got concerned and saved you again!" Brandeen finished. 

"So it was just a coincidence?" Silver asked in surprise and they nodded. Even if it wasn't actually a coincidence, it was easier to tell him that than to tell him that they had basically been stalking him since they had first seen him. Yeah, that would go over soooooo well...

"Any other questions, Pretty?" Brandeen tried to move along the conversation as he took another sip of tea. 

"Well yes... Why do you keep calling me 'Pretty'? And for that matter, why do you keep calling me 'Beauty'?" Silver asked, his face a little red as he looked between the two of them. 

Both his and Brandeen's faces went a tinge red as well as they weren't expecting for him to ask about that so soon. Before Rian could even think of a response that wouldn't make them seem like creeps, Brandeen beat him to the punch. 

"Well we're not blind, Pretty! You are quite beautiful! We'd have to blind not to notice that!" 

Silver blushed a deeper red at that response. His hands went up to his face as if to hide his embarrassment. 

"Aww, Pretty, don't hide from us." Brandeen cooed at him even as Rian shook his head at his brother's forwardness. 

Silver slowly uncovered his face, which looked even redder than before. He took a sip of his tea even as he avoided their eyes. 

"I was not expecting that to be the answer." Silver admitted with his red face. 

"Did you think we were doing it as a joke or something, beauty?" Rian asked raising an eyebrow. 

"I mean kind of? I don't really know you two, at least that well. And I'm not sure why you think I'm beautiful-"

"Cause you are!" Brandeen cut him off. 

Silver blushed even more at that before continuing. "But yeah, I kind of thought it was a joke."

"I can assure you, Silver, we do not joke. If we did not think you were beautiful, we would not call you as such." Rian informed him, loving the blush that came to his face as a result. 

"Well that's uh- very flattering- and um..." Silver sputtered out, clearly flustered as he tried to find a response to that. Rian saw that he was having trouble responding and decided to change the subject. He didn't want to overwhelm Silver after all. "Mhm... how's the tea?"

Silver looked both surprised and grateful at the abrupt subject change but he responded nonetheless. "It's really good, I've never tasted anything like it but its really tasty."

Brandeen practically beamed at the compliment to the tea he had made. Usually, their family's tea was an acquired taste but it seemed Silver already enjoyed it as they did. The two brothers smiled as the conversation continued, going into a more relaxed territory as the questioning seemed to die with the subject change. All in all, the tea party idea hadn't gone as bad as Rian had thought it would. 

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