(7) Past - Silver

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Silver was sat in the infirmary thinking about what had happened with that jerk and those two men who had saved him twice now. More specifically, he was thinking about the two men.

This was the second time. The second time they had saved him. Not only that but apparently they knew Reaper! How he didn't know, Reaper hadn't spoken to him about what had happened. The truth of the matter was Reaper had barely said a word to him as he dropped him off in the infirmary. He had been left alone with his swirling thoughts.

He was left in the infirmary for two days to recover and Reaper had spoken with him a little, but he wouldn't explain how he knew the two men. It was almost like he wanted to ignore their very existence.

So by the time Silver got out of the infirmary, he didn't have any more answers, just more questions really. His questions swirled inside his head until he just couldn't take it anymore and left the guildhall to get some fresh air.

... Honestly, the fresh air helped more than a little. He found himself smiling and just staring up at the sky as his mind slowly stopped swirling around his thoughts. It was so soothing, so peaceful-

Suddenly he ran straight into someone as he had been too focused on the sky. He immediately went to apologize before he realized who it was.

It was the brunette from before and beside him was his white-haired brother!

Silver was surprised at this even as the two offered him in kind smiles.

"Ah, it's good to see that you're doing better, beauty." The deep voice of the brunette washed over him even as his face flushed at the beauty comment. This only lasted for a moment before his mind flooded with questions for the two.

And yet when he opened his mouth to start asking them, the two men exchanged glances before the white-haired male said. "I'm guessing you have questions for us, Pretty! Which is good cuz we have some questions of our own! Wanna go have a tea party? Our auntie gave me a lot of tea!"

Silver barely had any time to even process the white-haired male's request as he grabbed his sleeve and started tugging on it as to get the other to follow him, which he did as he found himself unable to object the puppy dog eyes the white-haired male was giving him. He heard the brunette chuckle from behind them as he was pulled along.

They walked for a bit until they came to an old but still nice building, which the two men quickly led him inside and sat him down at a table. The brunette took a seat beside him with a smile while the white-haired man walked into another room to set up the kettle. 

Silver sat in silence with the brunette for a moment before he decided to break the silence. "Soooo, I gathered from the last time that you and your brother know my name but I don't know yours?"

"Oh, that's quite an oversight on mine and my brother's part. My name is Rian and my brother's name is Brandeen. So sorry that we hadn't shared that before, Beauty." The brunette said giving him a small smile. 

Silver nodded and was about to ask something else when the white-haired male, Brandeen, came walking out of the kitchen with a tea tray. He sat the tea tray down happily before pouring some tea for the three of them. They sat for a moment sipping tea before beginning to talk again. 

"Sooooo, Pretty!  We wanted to talk to you and I can tell you have questions for us as well!" Brandeen said gleefully as he sat down his cup of tea. 

"Yeah, I definitely have some questions..." Silver nodded as he took another sip of the strange tasting (but not too bad) tea. 

"Ask away, Pretty," Brandeen said with a smile. 

Silver didn't even know where to begin with his questions. This was all so confusing and he had no idea what he should ask about first. He thought about it for a few minutes before coming to the decision as to what he needed to ask about first...

AN: Sorry to cut this off before the questioning. The chapter was getting long and I wanted to do that all at once. Stay tuned to see how this meeting went!

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