Part 8: Orders

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Micah Kogane

April 5, 2068

Entry #724

Soo Adrian heard some voices, and I guess we're trusting him. We all saw and heard the lions, so it kinda makes sense. But still...

He told us that the other paladin he was communicating with told us to stay in contact, so we can meet up when we've found some lions. Per Adrian's request (and probably the smartest plan any of us had come up with) we go and discuss the situation with Admiral Shiro.

After explaining the events of two days ago (one day ago at the time; this was yesterday) we expected him to look at us like we were crazy. Saying the occurrences out loud certainly made it sound like we're crazy. But he looked at us with this look on his face like he already knew what was going on.

"I figured you guys would know. I actually got a vision, too. You guys will make great Paladins of Voltron. Have you made contact with the other two yet?" Me and Ally looked at each other. Adrian nodded and continued speaking to his pops.

"I talked with the black Paladin several times. She's the one who wants to stay in contact until we find the lions." Shiro nodded knowingly.

"I'm assuming you want to go alone?" Adrian bobbed his head. "I won't send anybody with you then. Do you have any plans of what you are going to do once you're with the other Paladin?"

"I think we're just going to look for and try to communicate with the fifth--" Shiro's portscreen dinged, his face turning slightly pink. He started apologizing for it not being on silent, but stopped when he saw the content of his message. Adrian tried to peer at the screen.

"What is it, Pops?" Shiro took a breath and prepared for what he was about to tell us.

"Last night, all the original paladins had the same dream, just slightly different. I dreamt about you, Adrian. I saw all five lions, the red in front of me. I was confused, because I piloted the black lion. But when their mouths opened, I didn't see Keith, or Lance, or any of the former Paladins. I saw you, Adrian.

Micah, your dad saw the yellow lion in front of him. And Ally, I'm assuming Pidge saw your lion, but we are unable to confirm. It wasn't just the three of us, though. Lance saw Bo, and Hunk saw Roxanne. We don't know why, but Voltron has chosen the five of you to be the next Paladins. Voltron never makes any mistakes, so fill your pit confidently." I looked to Ally, who swallowed. That's a lot of pressure for a bunch of teenagers. I mean, our parents managed it, but it certainly wasn't easy, and we're not them. But Shiro's not done yet.

"Before you leave for your search, you should go to the McClain farm. Try and find Bo. Lance's message, the one I just received, says he wasn't in his room and his ship is gone. You might have to look for him." Then, I looked to Adrien. He was soaking everything his pops was saying, definitely making mental notes. I'm kinda urked, though. Bo's missing? Why isn't everyone more concerned about this? I mean, me and him are practically twins, just our dads... split up. After I was born... Crap, is he still talking?

"In the meantime, engineers here have been building a new castle for the lions. We wanted to replicate what we travelled in for people to see, but it's fully functional and up to scale, so it'll be perfect for you and the lions. Coran's been working really hard.

"I'll send you to the McClain Farm first thing tomorrow morning, 0800 hours, sharp. Have a bag packed of your things, you might not be coming back." With that, he stood up, making us rise to show no disrespect. We all stood at attention for a split second before Admiral Shiro smiled warmly and ruffled his son's hair.

"That whoopie cushion prank was a good one, just at the wrong time. I love all of you, don't forget. Stay safe. Keep in contact with your families, if you can. This whole ordeal is scary for them too. I'll see you guys tomorrow." After a group hug, he strode out of the room.

Well that was kinda weird. Adrian looked at me and Ally, the two of us still staring at the closed door, clearing his throat.

"Oh, right! Well, let's go pack!"

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