Part 17: More Than Was Asked

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-Bo McClain-

So, since I'm bad with computers, Hallie took over my post, at least until Aunt Pidge got here, but then she had to leave again, but Hallie still has my post.

ARGH, there's nothing I can do! I feel useless... I don't like feeling useless. I'm just kinda zoning out, trying to think of a way I can help.

"We need Voltron." The words cut through my hazy thoughts. Of course... I immediately shut everything out, focusing only on my objective. If I can clear my mind enough, I might be able to hear my lion again.

When I heard Green, it was clear she needed me to know she was back, and that I needed to find her. Through our bond, even though we've never been eye to eye, we connected. Is she still listening? Just like she needed me, now I need her. Like Romelle said, we need Voltron.

Please. They need us. I get up and rush out of the room.

"Bo! Where are you going?" I ignore Hallie's cries and rush towards the Green Bay. We have to meet up there.

This feeling is surreal. I don't really feel like myself, but not in a bad way. Green is enhancing my skills through our bond. She's pouring herself into me.

I wait a second before opening the bay doors. She's not quite here yet... Power rushes through me with a strong roar.

I smash the button to open the doors. There she is. The small but mighty Green Lion. I'm grinning so hard it hurts as I run towards her open maw.

"Good kitty. Let's fly!" I'm not much of a flyer, but as soon as Kitty Rose's controls are in my hands, I know automatically what to do. It feels more than natural. I'm out there in a flash, dodging Galra ships at every turn. It's a much different feel than defending the castle.

"Bo! The Green Lion! Oh, you did it! That's so cool!" Micah says, awe dripping from her words. Roxanne's calculating face appeared in front of me on the screens.

"It's good to have you here. Even with just four lions, the job will be easier. We have to relieve the castle enough to let it escape!"

"Roger!" I yell. I get to work, shooting lasers at the enemies around the castle.

"No! Paladins, Ally has to join you shortly, you--"

"Ally needs to rest! We can handle this, just focus on healing her!" Roxanne practically screams it at Romelle. There's a moment of silence on the comm, Romelle swallowing in the video link.

"Okay. I understand how you feel. But there's a huge threat! One that could kill us all! It's worth the risk! If Voltron doesn't defend the Castle, we all will perish." More silence, except Adrian cursing under his breath. I see the Red Lion take a hit. It doesn't affect the lion, just slows her down.

"Besides, I feel just fine! There's nothing to worry about," The Blue Lion rushes around the Castle, chomping on a Galra fighter behind the Black Lion.

"Ally! Are you okay? How are you doing?" Questions shoot from Roxanne's mouth. "You can go back to the castle if you need to." Concern rang from her voice. That's... weird. The Blue Lion opened a video link.

"I'm doing fine enough to defend what I care about." Bandages wrap around her battered head. Her gaze is determined, but her face is pinker than usual. Is Ally blushing? I grin. So Miss Skrewt has a cruuuushh, haha! Oh, this should be fun.

A gentle but firm nudge through my bond makes my mind focus again. I laugh a little before returning to the fight. And my good mood disappears after a fighter smashes into Green's face, temporarily blinding me.

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