Part 13: Quick Thinking

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Adrian Shirogane

Entry #705

April 5, 2068

The black Paladin perks up.

"What is it, kitty? Take us where we need to go." Soon, we were inside the Black hangar in the Castle.

I turn to the Paladin, who just so happens to be...

"Roxanne!! It's so good to see you! It's been so long, how are you? Were you a part of the group coming to rescue me? Also, thanks for rescuing me, it really means a lot--" I shoot a look at Bo so fast he shuts up.

"Where did you come from?" I ask her sincerely. She smiles warmly at Bo, then looks back at me.

"I came from Daibazaal, where I found the black lion. I knew where to come because she told me where to go. I'm happy to see you're doing well, Bo. Um, who's in charge here? We all need to catch up. And get your friend to a healing pod." Oh! Hallie...

I take Hallie's whimpering body, barely conscious, and we all head towards the bridge.

When we reached it, Coran greeted us, a healing pod prepared behind him.

"You made it! Roxanne, it's always great to see you. How'd you know to come?" Romelle watched curiously from the middle, her palms still situated on the teledouv.

"And how did you know where to come?" She seemed much less welcoming. Curious and open, but more skeptical. Coran started checking Hallie's vitals.

"Well, as soon as I found out I was a Paladin, I left. I... feel kinda bad... but it had to be done. I immediately reached out and found Black. He was on Daibazaal. There, I got some help from a little old lady named Raz. She helped me strengthen my bond enough to find the rest of you," she said. Coran looked up.

"Raz? But she... no, is she still alive?" He saw our looks of confusion, so he put down his device.

"Bo, take Hallie to the med bay. She'll just need a night in a healing pod to get her quintessence levels back up." Bo followed his orders and Coran took a breath.

"Back when Daibazaal originally existed, before the war even started, and research on the Void was still undergo, a woman named Raz lived near the impact sight. She was a long standing friend of Zarkon's, the two being close as children. She helped study the asteroid and she was crucial to the understanding of the lions. She was the first to notice how the great amount of quintessence affected the scientists. So when Daibazaal was destroyed, she knew it was for the best. I don't know much else about her, but I know she practically founded the Blade of Marmora. She's quite the legend." He twisted his moustache.

"That Raz, right?" Roxanne laughed.

"That sounds like her." I shook my head. However she got here, we need a plan. Everything that the Voltron Coalition put to work not even two decades ago is on the line. I can't let their hard work and risks, the lives that were lost, we can't let them go to waste.

"What's the plan, Coran? Now we have all the lions but one. Do we know where to find it?"

"Ah, yes! Well, if the locations of the other lions tell us anything, it will most likely be where Pidge found it. Pidge... " His shoulders drooped.

"We need to go back for her." Out of the blue. It flusters me.

"We can't! It would put the entire operation in jeopardy." That was a mistake. I hear a sob come from near the Blue chair.

"What do you mean we can't??? My mom, dad, and four year old brother are stuck down there, for all I know, they could be dead!!" Ally's eyes go wide and she just loses it. Micah quickly rushes to her, soothing her hair and murmuring soft words. Romelle turns on me.

"You can't say things like that! We have to, danger or no." I knew what I said was wrong, and I feel bad that they came out rudely, but I'm not taking them back.

"What we need is the Green Lion. We don't have time for another rescue mission!" I was going to say more, but Pops suddenly appears on the screen behind me.

"He--- What's going on? What happened on the mission?" Ally quiets her snuffles. I don't like seeing her cry, especially by my words. Coran reports.

"The mission was a success. We... We were just discussing the Skrewts." Pops looks down.

"Oh. I see. Have you decided on anything yet?" Ally shoots a glare at me and speaks up.

"The rest of us want a rescue mission, but Adrian says it's too risky. But Shiro... This is my family. I can't just leave them." Pops gazes sadly at Ally's tear stained face, her determination rippling through everyone.

"Well, we just attacked them, which means they're probably still recuperating. They won't be expecting anything. If we plan fast, we could probably catch them off guard, making the job easier. How many lions do we have? Still just the three?" I answer.

"The Black lion showed up during the escape. We have four out of five. But we shouldn't send in all of them..." If we're going to do this, I might as well help these guys not die.

"You're right, that's too risky. Stealth and distraction will be key in this retrieval. Red is the fastest, she'll be needed in the sky. Adrian, can you handle drawing their fire while we find the Skrewts?"

"I might need backup, and I can't do it for a long time, but I could."

"Great. I can send you and Yellow as distractions while Ally and Coran head to the surface. You'll need to go quickly. Head straight for the house. If there's nothing but rubble, search through it. What did your mom say in her message?" Ally perks up, she's probably memorized the entire message by now.

"They went to the basement."

"Okay. Search for that. If you can't find them in there, that means they've been taken hostage already." Sigh. "I know that this is a lot of sudden pressure on you guys. I know you just met your lions, and you're only cadets. But people need you. We need you to be strong. Rely on your lions, bond with them, find little ways to strengthen that bond any way you can. They're your biggest ally. Use them. Good luck." After he hangs up, we all just sit there for a second. I think hard the whole time, trying to find as many flaws in the plan as I could. Before I can say anything, though, Roxanne speaks up.

"Okay, I know he's the highest commanding Admiral, but I'm gonna tweak his plan. He doesn't fully realize I;m your team now, but you guys can use me to your advantage. The lions are too bulky and noticeable to go to the surface. That's why Ally, you and Coran will go down to the surface with me. You'll be quickly dropped off from above, and you'll need Red to quickly come and get you. As Shiro said, Red is the fastest. As soon as we have the Skrewts, we have to leave. We don't know much about the enemy, and one of the things we have to be cautious about is how fast they can recuperate. We don't know this information, so we need to just do the operation as fast as possible. Does everybody get that?" She's met by a series of nods. Oh, I am going to like her.

"Coran, get Bo back in here. We'll also need the Castle's defences. He'll be a help in here, even if we don't have his lion yet. Ally." Ally raises her glossy eyes to Roxanne's.

"We're going to get your family back."

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