Part 14: The First Battle: Rubble

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Ally Skrewt

Entry #325

April 5, 2068

Oh, quiznak. I skipped lunch. There's not enough time to get some water. The only thing in my system in adrenaline, pumping through my entire being, pulsing hard in its effort to keep me functional. It swims through my warm stomach, beating through my brain with every heartbeat. Oh, quiznak.

For all I know, the Galra have found my family. For all I know, they tortured my parents. For all I know, my little brother could be dead. Quiznak, quizanck, QUIZNAK. I have to get them back.

"Ally?? Come on, man, we need you with us. Your family needs you. You're gonna get them back." Micah's voice swims through my chaotic heart beats, and her face appears. She's blurry... I blink again, feeling warmth on my cheeks. Am I crying?

"Yeah, yeah. They're gonna be fine," I shakily try to assure myself. Micah looks at me, squatting next to me, her thumb rubbing my right shoulder. The love in her eyes warms my heart, breaking through my panicked state. Taking her hand, I stand up, bringing her with me. My focus is on the floor.

"We're doing this." I'm momentarily crushed by a hug. Gosh, her hugs are the best. Just the right amount of pressure depending on the situation. I really need a crushing hug right now. We've been best friends, practically growing up together. She has a weird family situation, so my parents took her in. She's like a sister to me, sometimes even more.

After that moment, we quickly part ways and head towards our respective lions. Roxanne and Adrian had already begun preparations, Roxanne smoothing over details with Romelle and Coran while Adrian tried to explain the defenses to Bo. There's not enough time to go get the Green Lion, so he'll have to make himself useful on the Castle.

Right before we jump, Roxanne runs through a rough description of the plan. I stand right behind her, bayard in hand and ready for the fight ahead.

"Everyone, when we get there, just use random flight patterns. Our goal is to not let them notice we dropped Coran and Ally off on the planet, so the two won't get immediately targeted. Ally, you know what you need to do. Adrian, you're picking them up, but be prepared for anything. If you aren't able to, then the closest person takes the job. Anyone can do it, it just needs to be quick and effective. Whoever does, be prepared for a lot of passengers. Remember, this mission should be quick. We need to make it as fast as possible... So good luck to you all. Be careful out there," she says. All in all, it's not a very inspiring first pep talk, but her words captivate me. We can work on it, anyway. Assuming we make it out of here...

I'm aware of the situation I'm putting the team into. But I just... I just can't leave my family behind. Not again. I would not be able to function, not knowing if they were safe or not. It was already messing with my focus, but now that I've actually seen the state of the planet myself, I feel like I'm going mad. I have to get them to safety.

All of a sudden, we've gone through the wormhole, and lasers are flying all around. Shouts come through the comm links as the other two lions twist and turn their way around them, at a head start to their flight patterns. Black follows suit, but stays closer to the drop off zone. We're not in the atmosphere, but we're diggity dang not far.

"I think these guys are more prepared than we thought!" Adrian grunts, and I can only imagine him furiously maneuvering his lion through the havoc.

"Roger that, there's much more on me than I think I can handle!" Micah is shouting curses. Roxanne responds quickly.

"I'm on my way, guys. I'll try to lead them off you, but I gotta drop these guys off real quickly. Ally and Coran, head to the main chamber! I'm opening the hatch in thirty ticks and you better be ready!" She stays true to her word. As soon as me and Coran reach it, the small hangar door opens, revealing the forest rushing underneath us. We're close, but not quite close enough.

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