Chapter 6

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I know I know. You guys hate me for late updates but my passion for reading is something I can't handle. There's a craving in me when I start a book to just read the ending.






It's been two and half week since the incident in the forest. My wounds were healed and I'm walking and running like my crazy self. Mei was there by my side all the time with my friends and some of her council members also.

Mitsuko Harumi's sister also visited me sometimes. It was little weird bcoz according to Harumi, her sister was the coldest person ever walk into this earth but she was sweet.

Luci was also there everyday bring me chocolates and treats. I could see it in her eyes that she thought of me more than just friends but she never pushed me hard or cross the line. Sure she was a little touchy but that ok with me.

But there's always a tension or silent war between Mei and Luci. They can't stand in same room with each other for more than 5 minutes other than class ofcourse.

Luci visited me when Mei wasn't around so that gave her some time to spare with me. I never mind her company though. But after some wierd dreams, it really was impossible to face her.


"Get out of here" she screamed at me. There was smoke everywhere. The house caught on fire. Everything is burning.
"No I'm not leaving you after just our confession" I said as tears streaming down my face.

"You need to go. Just go. NOW!!" she screamed again and then it was all dark with smoke. I couldn't find her. I was screaming her name, crying, begging for help. But nothing happened I couldn't hear her voice.

When i found her on the ground, I ran towards her screaming for her to open her eyes. "No no no. You can't leave me Shimon. Open your eyes. Please open up" as I was about to lift her body from the ground, an invisible force hit me knocking me out.

Her body lifted from the ground and shattered into pieces in front of my eyes "Nooooooooo" I screamed and tried to stand but I couldn't.
(Dream Over)

"Yuzu! Yuzu! Yuzu!" I bolted opened my eyes. My face sweaty, breathing heavy, tears were streaming down my cheeks.
It was a dream. A Fucking nightmare that haunted me for the past months.

Mei was there looking at me with concern and sadness in her eyes. When I saw her I started crying. Crying for my deceased friend. For not able to save her.

Mei took me in her arms as I cried on i her shoulder. She kept saying everything will be okay or its alright. I cried for what felt like some minutes.

After soaking her shirt, I stopped crying and pulled away from her. Mei gave me some water and we went silent for a minute.

"Bad dreams?" She asked.

"Bad and painful memories actually" I said looking down.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked again.

"No. It's something I really don't want to talk about with anyone" I answered feeling a little bad for my choice of words and harsh tone.

"It's alright. I'm here if u need anything" Mei said as she started walking towards the door.

"Wait Mei" I called after her. She turned around looking at me with raised brow.

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