Chapter 13

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"He-help me!" Harumi said and collapsed on the ground.

"Harumin!" Yuzu yelled and ran towards Harumin.

Mei and Luci aid towards a limp Matsuri while others gathered some blanket and pillows. Matsuri's body was motionless. Sucked out of life. No energy. No sign of life what so ever. Bags under her eyes and bones were showing on her body.

Mitsuko sat some pillows down and put Harumi's head on her lap.
"Wake up Harumi. Wake up" she mumbled, her eyes glossy.

Mei held Matsuri's hand and feel her pulse. There was BUT a very faint one.
"We need to do something!" She shouted to others.

The Angeles and the Devil were brainstorming through countless ideas for healing Matsuri.

Yuzu was just sitting there doing nothing but staring at her friends. She felt useless bcoz she was human. She felt useless bcoz she didn't know how to use her powers. She felt useless bcoz she thought it was her fault. All of it. IT WAS HER FAULT.

"Yuzu" yuzu's head snapped towards Harumi when she heard her faint voice.
"Save ma-matsuri"

Harumi titled hre head and looked at the love of her life. But what she saw broke her heart, her lover's almost dead body was laying beside her. Harumi's eyes watered and she held Matsuri's hand but there was no warm. It was ice cold.

"Mei tell me how can I use my powers?" Yuzu said to her lover.

"Yuzu, you should not do that right now! You don't even know your powers properly." Luci said with concern.

"Yuzu, luci is right! You shouldn't." Mei said taking luci's side. It resulted Yuzu to pissed off.

"ARE YOU BOTH SISTERS OUT OF YOUR FUCKING ANGEL MIND? MATSURI IS DYING SLOWLY! I KNOW I CAN SAVE HER AND IF YOU BOTH HAVE ANY PROBLEMS THEN GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS ROOM!" Yuzu yelled at the sisters. Anger was raging through her veins and both Mei and Luci were terrified of a pissed off Yuzu.

"Angry Yuzu is HOT!" Luci said to Mei through mind link.
"Are you seriously thinking about this right now?" Mei said to luci.
"I'm the Devil! I can't help it." Luci said.
"Let her do it" Mei said to her sister.
"No she can't! It's dan-"

Mei shut her sister in the mind link after that. "Yuzu put your both hands on Matsuri's heart and think about healing her" Mei instructed.

Yuzu nods and put her hands on Matsuri's heart. She think about a healthy and smiling Matsuri. Yuzu concentrate on Matsuri's faint heartbeat.

"Nothing! Nothing is happening" Yuzu cried.
Mei grabbed yuzu's face and looked at her forest green eyes.
"Just focus on Matsuri love. Forget everything in this room. I believe you. Matsuri believe in u. Everyone does in this room. We know you can do it." Mei said and kissed yuzu's forhead.

Yuzu turned to Matsuri and closed her eyes. She block out everything. Every voice. Every presence. Every worry. EVERYTHING. Her only focus was Matsuri. She imagined Matsuri being all healthy, laughing, smiling shyly, smirking.

Slowly a white light began to emerge through yuzu's hands. The white light serged through Matsuri's body. The colour of Matsuri's skin slowly began to return. The bags under her eyes were disappeared. Her pale skin was returning to its original colour. Her body was gaining more muscles and blood in it.

In a matter of minutes Matsuri's body was back to normal. Every cut was was like nothing happened.

"You did it! You did it Yuzu!" Mei exclaimed and engulfed her love in a hug.

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