Chapter 12

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Why? Why that had to happen? Why the hell those fucker-angeles came down? I had to explain Everything to Yuzu now. Matsuri and Harumin haven't contacted us. We didn't know where are they?

After the little battle we all got back to the academy. Everyone was tensed. The flight back was totally quite. No-one said a word. We were all in our own thoughts, thinking why they attacked us? Who was the traitor Gabriel mentioned?

Yeah the fucker I killed was an archangel. A replacement though.

Now we were all sitting in mine and yuzu's room. Yuzu was fine, she just fainted bcoz of exuastion and shock.

"She's alright Mei" Himeko said rubbing my back in a soothing manner. I was holding yuzu's hand and rubbing circles on it. She liked when I do that.

"Any word from Matsuri and Harumin?" I asked.
"No. There phones are off." Mitsuko said in distress. She was angry that we can't reach them.
"Do u think he was telling the truth? About the spy?" Sara asked.
"I don't know" I said stressly.
"U know u have to tell her the truth about yourself, about our identities and most important about herself." Maruta said making tea for everyone.

I guess tea will do some good!

"And I think it's time Harumin know who she is. I mean she has the greatest power that any Witch could ever imagine. She can kill an angel with her powers" Mitsuko has a point here. This time things are not the same as before.

"Don't u guys think it's a little weird that they chose a time when we are all together. I mean they can overpower us when we are alone, so why fight the team?" Sara is right! Why they fight us unless......

"We were all not together. Matsuri and Harumin were out on a date. We need to find them as soon as possible." I then knew what they want. They want to eliminate us one way or another.

"We should keep this to ourselves. No telling my father Sho about this."

"I knew you don't trust your father that much Aihara." Finally luci said something.

"I almost forget you're here Morningstar" I literally forgot.

"I'm here for as long as you all are and holding her other hand" she knew how to get on my nreves.

"Cut it out you two!" Mitsuko yelled angrily. I just puffed my cheeks like my five year old self, luci on the other hand stomped her foot on the ground.

After 5 minutes of silence Yuzu stirred on the bed. And eventually she was awake. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes. Her beautiful green eyes had a look of innocence and confusion in them. She looked around the room noticing everyone was there.

It was like reality dawned on her whenher eyes widened and shot up quickly and the blanket fell from her. I forgot to mention she was just in a lace bra and booty shorts. Everyone blushed a little and looked elsewhere. Yuzu quickly wrapped the blanket around herself.

"What happened in the forest was a dream, Right?" She asked.

I sighed and took her hands in mine.
"Yuzu it wasn't a dream. It was all real. Everything. We w-" there was coughs from my friends I looked at them and they stared daggers at me. "I mean I will explain everything to u"

( A/N: Brace yourself for the storytime folks)

"We are all angeles. Arch Angeles to be exact including Luci and Matsuri. We were all along the side of the Creator. The God. Everything was going amazing in the Silver City, heaven and in the earth also. But happiness doesn't last long. There was a disease that spread on the mortal world. People were dying like mosquitoes. The Creator was worried. So he decided that he granted a child blessed with healing powers to a couple. The child was born and soon enough everyone knew about her gift from the God. She healed everyone and then there was no disease. She grew up to be a beautiful woman. The main Archangel aka Me fell in love with her. I saw her when she was in a feild making some flower crowns for her village's children. I  decided to talked to her and got to know her. We didn't knew when we fell in deep love. At that time she doesn't knew who I was. We met frequently in secret. But one day my secret was discovered by my own sister." I emphasized the word sister but angrily. "Later I found out that she knew all along. And that she also fell in love with the healer at the fisrt glance. We were about to kill eachother when the God interrupted us. We told her Everything. He said that the Healer doesn't love my sister she loved me but I can't be with my lover bcoz it was against his laws. My sister doesn't like that and threw a war against the God. We all altogether fought against my sister and when she was defeated, God forbid her from the Heaven and casted her down to the Hell. There she became Hell-Queen" I finished half of the story with a sigh. I gave Yuzu 5 minutes to absorb everything. I like that she didn't interrupted.
"But it was getting impossible for me to be away from my love so one day I left the Heaven and came to Earth. I met my lover and we were happy to be with eachother. I told her everything. And she was sad that I left my home, but she was my home. A few days passed and Everything was calm until one morning when I found my friends outside our house. These people" I said motioning towards my friends." Told me that God ordered them to find me and bring me back but they left bcoz they couldn't betray me. That day was the day everything changed. My sister showed up and challange me. I accepted. Between the spar the sky turned dark. Darker than night. And seven Angeles came to mortal land. They were the new archangels. All men. But they weren't as strong as us. The hell broke loose. God also came down to enjoy himself. Between Everything Matsuri thought it was a good idea to attack the God, but she failed and he cursed her transforming her into half Demon and half angel. But the curse turned out more worse for her. her lover ended up hating her in her last days. She never lover her like before she used to. Then there was a sound. A scream. When I looked around my lover was bleeding to death, laying on the ground. Her white dress was Red bcoz of her blood. I was crying holding her to me. My sister was crying bcoz I knew, she lover her too. When she took her last breath, I was raging. I released all my powers that created a mayham on earth. Matsuri's lover was too dead and Matsuri wasn't there bcoz of her curse. I was so close to destroying the whole Earth, when God stopped me. He said that he will give my lover six more lifetimes along with Matsuri's. In every lifetime she will be the same. Same powers and Everything. That we will meet somehow and fall in love she will remember the memories we created in her 1st lifetime, but they came as the time go by. But the God is not all rainbow and Sunshines. He said that me, my sister and my friends all of us go against him, so, in every lifetime my lover will die in a year after meeting me. He said that if I saved her before the seventh time I can live with her all my life and all of us will be free from our Angeles spirits." I finished the story with tears streaming down my face. It's been a while since I told someone about the story in detail.

Yuzu engulfed me in a hug. A tight love filled hug. I hugged her back the best I could.

"I'm sorry" she wishpered.
"It's alright" I said breathlessly parting from her.

"How do I play a role in all of this?" Here comes the tough question.

"Yuzu I know you had dreams about me. I know you get visions of us fighting, cuddling and being together. I think u know where u play a role in this." I said and watched her intently. Her face was blank, she didn't said anything for a few minutes and I was getting anxious.

Suddenly threw herself at me and kissed me. She kissed me very hard. I was stunned but kissed her. When she pulled away she hid her face in the crook of my neck and started crying. I stroked her hair gently.

"I'm so sorry it took me so much time to realise. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" I
She chanted sorry again and again.

"It's fine my love" I wishpered in her ear.

Everyone was silent. Even luci.

"I haven't got the memory back properly and I have questions" Yuzu said and sit again facing everyone.

"Take your time you can ask us anything" Sara said.

"How you guys are cursed besides Matsuri and Mei. I mean you have your lovers?"

"We are lovers but we can't become a family. We are bound to our spirits and as long as they are with us we can't be a family and we can't make love to each other" Himeko answered.

"What about my powers? I can't even heal my own finger. How can I  heal others?"

"You have to know your power before using it. You didn't about it before but now u do. So with a little practice and patience u can heal anyone." Maruta said.

"Even if, it is from your weapons?"

"You have the gift of healing Yuzu. You can heal anyone no matter the weapon or power of the person. But you can't heal a dead person" this time I said.

"Who are your sister Mei? I don't remember clearly"

I didn't knew how to answer this. So I pointed towards the only person with red hair in the room.

Yuzu followed my movements and gasped when I stopped at luci.
"Luci is your sister!" She yelled amusingly.


"This is not such a bad thing Mei after all we are sisters." Luci said with a smirk.
"And we love the same person!" She just had to add that. Bitch.

"I'm surprised. I mean you both never acted like you are sisters. You guys are always out to get the other" Yuzu said. It wasn't her fault. Luci and I stopped being sisters after yuzu's first lifetime.

"What about Matsuri?" Yuzu questioned again.

"Matsuri's lover is Harumin. And before you say anything Harumin is a witch. Most powerful one to be exact. She didn't remember anything from her past life's but she will when she used her powers." I said.

"Wow! Angeles, demons, half angel-half demon, witch, God and a Healer. We just need vampires and werewolves in our lives." Yuzu said and everyone laughed.

"What about your weapons? They are not ordinary"

"Well I have Zeus's lighting sword, Himeko has Apollo's golden sword, Sara has Artemis's Golden bow and never ending arrows, Mitsuko has Athena's spear and shield, Maruta has Poseidon's trident, Luci has Hades's staf and Matsuri has spaer of triam." I finished and drank some tea.

"Wowww" Yuzu was like a five year old kid who just discovered icecream.

Suddenly the smoke came from somewhere in the room and there was Harumin holding a limp and pale Matsuri in her arms.

"He-help me" Harumin said and collapsed on the ground.








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