✴ SIX ✴

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The night rolled on, the sky almost turning a shade of black. Kalli had found a remote area near the labs with a floor to ceiling window, so Kalli could look out as far as possible. The Shadowhunter had a feeling that somehow the Tesseract was linked with the missing Mortal Instruments, however, she wasn't a hundred percent sure on that.

Kalli's relationship with The Clave was a rocky one. It had only been in the past three months that The Clave decided to give her another chance. She could understand why The Clave disliked her so much, however, not all of it was her fault.

She wasn't sure how long she'd been standing there, could've been hours for all she knew, but when Thor joined her by her side, Kelli wondered what he wanted.

Thor stood in silence as the two overlooked the tiny ripples of waves on the surface of the ocean. "My apologies," he said after a few moments of peace.

Kalli wasn't sure why he was apologising. To be honest, she didn't care. The relationship between the Gods and Nephilim wasn't all that good anyway. "For what, Odinson?" Kalli asked, not moving her gaze from the calmer scene below. "Calling war on my people? Upon the Nephilim who had sworn to protect the Mundanes of Earth?"

Thor swallowed the lump in his throat. This was not what he had planned. "The War Of Gods and Angels was not in my control, Lady Kalli."

"Aside from the Thunder," Kalli said, turning fully to face the God of Thunder, "what is in your control?"

"To try and make peace with the Nephilim," Thor replied.

The Shadowhunter sighed and regained her composure before her usual calmness slipped through. "I cannot speak for The Clave of Idris," Kalli said, the hopeful smile of Thor dropping slightly. "However, I speak only for myself when I say the vendetta between myself and the Asgardians is dead and burried." The smile returned to Thor's face. "As a Shadowhunter, life is extremely short to make enemies."

"Agent Mitchell," Coulson said through Kalli's ear piece.

"Go ahead," Kalli replied.

"Can you bring Odinson to the briefing room?"

"Roger that." Kalli turned and walked a few steps, only to find Thor not following her. "Hey, Point Break!" Kalli called, catching Thor's attention. "Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there like an idiot?"


Kalli got back to work on her search for The Mortal Instruments. Penhallow had sent over some new information which Kalli was reading on her tablet, her phone had died just as Kallie received the files, while Thor was with Agent Coulson discussing where SHIELD had relocated Jane Foster over by the monitors.

Apparently, from what Kalli heard, Jane had been moved as soon as word got out that Selvig had been taken by Loki. She had been relocated at an observatory in Tennessee, being asked to move there very suddenly. Kalli had never met Jane in person, however, the two talked a lot and she was glad to hear that she was in a remote area and safe from all the chaos.

"Thank you," Thor smiled. "It was no mistake Loki taking Erik Selvig, I dread what he plans for once he's done. Erik is a good man."

"He spoke about quite frequently while I was based in New Mexico," Kalli piped up. She could see the emotion in Thor's eyes. He had found friends on another planet and he wasn't able to save them. "You changed his life, for the better. In fact, you changed everything around here."

"They were better as they were. We pretend on Asgard that we're more advanced but we..." Thor trailed off with a sigh. "We come here battling like a Bilchsteim."

Kalli nodded in understanding. "Kind of like us. In Idris, the Shadowhunters believe the Mundane life is much simpler that a life in the shadows. The Clave set up a scheme a few decades ago for Shadowhunters to live amongst the Mundanes, however, the Shadowhunters selected torn apart everything round them, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake, much like a Greater Demon."

Coulson glanced back and forth between the Shadowhunter and the Asgardian, everything they say making no sense to him. He was baffled at what they were saying but at the fact that Kalli Mitchell, a Shadowhunter of Idris, having a civil conversation with Thor Odinson, prince of Asgard and son of Odin; Odin being the very God who led the people of Asgrad into battle against the Nephilim of Idris.

"Like what?" Coulson said, confusion evident on his face.

"Bilchsteim," Kalli repeated.

"You know, huge scaly, big antlers," Thor explained briefly. "You don't have those?"

Coulson shook his head. "Don't think so."

Thor nodded. "They're repulsive, and they trample everything in their path." Thor then walked away from Kalli and Coulson, the former returning to her task at hand. Thor stood in front of the window, overlooking the uneventful scene below. "When I first came to Earth, Loki's rage followed me here and now your people paid the price. And now again, in my youth, I've courted war."

"War hasn't started yet," Fury announced, coming through the double doors. He finally made it up from the detention centre on some of the lower decks. "You think you can make Loki tell us where the Tesseract is?"

"I do not know," Thor admitted gravely. He didn't want to admit it, however, he could lie to the people who would pay the price of death based off false claims. "Loki's mind is far afield. It's not just power he craves, it's vengeance upon me. There is no pain that would prise his need from him."

"A lot of guys think that, until the pain stops."

"What are you asking me to do?"

"I'm asking, what are you prepared to do?" Fury countered.

Dispite observing evidence, Kalli listened to what both men were saying. She didn't want to intervene, however, she was prepared to do so if Fury wouldn't stand down.

"Loki is a prisoner," Thor explained. He wasn't going to be pushed to do anything.

Fury smirked at Thor as Kalli raised her head to send a death glare Fury's way. "Then why do I feel like his the only person on this boat who wants to  be here?"

When Thor didn't respond, Fury left.

Kalli rolled her eyes at Fury's childish actions. Now wasn't the time to be causing friction between everyone, everyone had to stand united against Loki and the Chitauri army. "Ignore him," Kalli advised, glancing at Thor. "He can be a right asshole most days."

Thor chuckled as Kalli put down the tablet. She was visibly stressed due to not finding anything in the files. Nothing made sense, she had no solid evidence to support her theory and time was running out.

"Still nothing?" Thor asked, noticing Kalli's stress levels.

Kalli sighed turning to the tablet again. She couldn't seem to crack it, something wasn't adding up which was sending Kalli overboard. "Its the same thing over and over again," Kallie sighed. "I think the disappearance of The Mortal Instruments has something to do with the Tesseract, however, I've got nothing."

As if Penhallow herself was listening, Kalli received and email from the Counsul with an attachment.


The email simply stated. Kalli clicked on the attached file and waited for the security footage to load up. Thor joined her side as the footage began to play.

The footage was just moments before the Mortal Cup was stolen. The polished stone podium was set in the middle of the room, the Mortal Cup situated in its usual place. The doors behind the podium opened and in stepped a lean figure with medium brown hair sat in a curly mop on the top of their head. Kalli caught the thief's face just as the turned to face the camera from just stealing the Cup.

Kalli almost dropped the tablet when she identified the thief. She thought nothing else could go wrong. By the Angel, was Kalli Mitchell far from being right. She had one name running her mind as she stared at the screen.

Collin Branwell.

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