Chapter 2

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Dedicated to Orangee1

Warning: Heavy sex scene at the beginning.

Edited May

DAMILOLA MOANED ALOUD AS HIS DICK SLID DEEPER INTO KEMI'S PUSSY. The reason why he had agreed to fucking her in the first place was because, the girl was a total package.

Despite being older than him and way out of his league, Dami couldn't resist being attracted to her dimpled cheeks and big boobs.

The first day he set his wandering eyes on her ample buttocks as he walked with his buddies to the school's bus park, he knew he had to have her.

The craziest part was that, it didn't take much effort on his part to get her in bed. It seemed like a ploy for her to request a plate of fried rice and chicken with a bottle of cold coke from one of the popular eateries at Choba.

Dami made haste in getting the tasty food from the restaurant. Immediately, he stepped out of the cozy area into the harsh rays of the afternoon sun, he flagged down a taxi to his one bedroom apartment off campus.

He was born into affluence and wealth and it was no surprise he grew up being an arrogant and derogative young boy. His parents lavished all their riches on him and whatever he requested for was granted.

Dami even went as far as sorting the courses he failed because he knew most of the lecturers in civil engineering department were poor to stupor and demanded money recklessly from students in order to be able to foot their bills.

Dami boy as he was popularly called by his peers was well known throughout the University of Portharcourt by the way he flaunted different girls daily.

He perceived that they flocked around him because of how generous he was but he could couldn't care less. Sex with a big busted lady that was more mature than him was a win win.

Dami didn't know for certain, why he had a strong dislike for younger girls like the Year 1 and Year 2 students. Maybe, it had to do with the fact that they liked posing too much.

Dami groped Kemi's ass cheeks as he pounded her wet insides. He growled in delight as she arched her back to meet his deep thrusts. One strong hand gripped her neck tightly.

Kemi let out a loud cry of satisfaction as she rode on wave after wave of pleasure. But Dami wasn't fully satisfied even with the way his muscles bulged and his forehead glistened with sweat. His hard fist bunched her braided wig and flung it carelessly across the room.

On a normal day, Damilola would have taken note of how Kemi's thick woven hair looked a bit unkempt, but not when he was close to climax. His movements became rushed and Kemi had to lean on the hardwood of the bed for support.

Guttural sounds escaped his dry throat as his shaky fingers found Kemi's perk nipples and squeezed.

This was the best sex he had in a while. None of his previous partners gave him pleasure the way Kemi did. Her bossom seemed to move in sync with his hard dick sliding in and out of her and her pretty face looked excited.

Kemi had been in his sights from the first day they crossed path. He could tell that she rode very well from the way her buttocks gyrated up and down as she catwalked to her classes.

But there was a minor problem. Over time, Dami was beginning to feel some type of way towards the light skinned beauty. Her small round eyes were always smoky with her mascara and black eyeliner. Kemi had a clear cut chin and full lips that complemented the arch of her lined brows.

There was never a day she was caught unfresh. Kemi awesomely graced the Faculty of science with her short knickers, palazo trousers, ripped jeans and crop top.

Her fixed nails were always well manicured and she constantly changed her wigs. It was either a 360 frontal lace, 3D pixie curls, double drawn or 20 something inches straight hair. Dami liked those type of girls, not the ones that were just coming out of their parent's houses in a bid for freedom.

Kemi was a what's up babe. Every day was lit with different colors of Chanel and Luis Vuitton bags and the whiff of her perfume scented from a far distance.

Her fair skin glowed in the morning sun. All of this combined with her comely attitude made Dami feel at home.

Kemi's incessant cries pulled him back to the present. He grabbed her butt and smacked it hard. His breath was coming out in spurts as he slowly towered over the brink with her.

He waited for a full minute to regain his energy before he pulled out of Kemi and collapsed onto the cool, crisp sheets. Dami quickly discarded the used condom on the tiled floor and pulled an oddly comforted Kemi closer to his manly frame.

She heaved a blissful sigh as her head rested on his hairy chest. The cool air from the ceiling fan dissipated the heat on their molded bodies and his cold fingertips ran up and down her bare arms.

Dami knew that Kemi was way above his senior, she being in her final year and he being in year three. There was no way they were going to work apart from being friends with benefit.

Although Dami hated the gruesome fact, he had to come to terms with it because Kemi was fond of him.

The next day, Dami quickly showered and dressed. He was late for his class and the first lecturer he had for the day was a staunch man who gave tests at random and counted the number of students in the crowded hall.

Dami had dispatched Kemi the night before, along with all the pleasant memories they shared together.

Author's note: Any thoughts on Damilola's character?

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