Chapter 19

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Dedicated to all those who have left comments and amazing feedbacks on this book. I appreciate you all ❤️

Ore felt a sharp pain shoot up her sides and she bit down on her lip to restrict the whimper that was about to escape the constriction of her dry throat. Immediately Tami darted in the direction of the exit, Dami followed right after, limping on the right side of his leg. Bitter tears stung Ore's eyes as she slid to the hardwood floor.

With it came the painful realization that Dami had used her to pass time and he didn't specifically feel anything for her. Perhaps, the only reason he hung out with her was because she was extravagantly dressed and her face was heavily made up to make her look mature. If not, why hadn't he acted nice to her the time Mercy had introduced him at the entrance to her hostel?

Ore's stomach squirmed and she held her gut, thinking back to the magical moment she and Dami had enjoyed a while ago. He almost kissed her, their lips a mere inch from each other. Ore couldn't believe that she had been soaking wet for Dami. An awkward thing that had never happened to her before. Although it was her first time, she would grow to cherish the sweet build up of ecstasy.

Ore wanted the hot dude in bed, no doubts. She was dreaming to experience the same as the other girls, not minding if it was only going to be for a night. She was craving for Dami to kiss her senseless and explore every pore of her body. But Dami didn't show that he felt exactly the same way.

He was apparently content with sitting at the sidelines, big babes frolicking after his hard erection and wealth. Ore was hurt beyond words. Even though Dami was bleeding profusely (she seemed to think), he still raced after Tami. Her head was whirling just reasoning the hold Tami had over him. What was so special about her that he chose her instead?

Maybe it was because she was older and more versed in different sex styles or she was the real package with her thick thighs and big boobs which Ore lacked. She was oblivious to the waiters hurriedly cleaning up the bloody mess caused by both guys for their club director not to flare in anger. The crowd had thinned to a sparse amount who were sipping their drinks somberly, cradling the bossom of their female partners.

Blood was dripping from her bloodied cheek down the side of her face, completely ruining her make up. Ore's eyes were blotched with her mascara creating a single streak that made her to look like Bloody Mary. Figures danced in her vision before fading into thin air. The loud music was a dull throb to her ear and time seemed to slow considerably.

Someone lifted Ore's lithe frame with strong arms, supporting her light weight with a broad chest. Ore turned her head weakly to stare into Philip's deep set eyes. She could vaguely hear him muttering some words to reassure her. But her mind was spiralling into nothingness, her fingers were stiff and numb.

They both staggered as they retreated down the now dirt soiled steps. Philip propped Ore hard against his body when she threatened to slip from his tight grip. He inhaled a sharp breath and pushed forward only for them to come tumbling down the rest of the stairs with a hard thud.

Philip slinged Ore's glittery purse over his shoulder as they made their way past the bar section. The chilly breeze blasted Ore's face and she inhaled deeply before scanning her surroundings. Some dudes were seated at a corner with countless number of Heineken bottles on their table. They were obviously drunk judging from the way they cracked silly jokes and spewed vulgar words.

The bar was almost empty, the waitresses on duty proceeded to wipe the tables with wet napkins and put the empty bottles into crates before transferring them to the store room. Ore noted the way their lean muscles bulged and the efficiency they used in carrying out their assigned duties. Maybe, she could work here someday.

The silvery moon was shining in the darkened sky, casting shadows on the swimming pool that largely occupied the area. Colouful lights twinkled by the side, the blue water was crystal clear. Her eyes darted to the figures that were swirling in the pool and splashing water on themselves. Their clothes were in a puddle by the side.

Ore edged closer to the body of water unknowing to Philip who had rushed to a bathroom stall to ease himself. Something in Ore told her that it was Tami and Dami who were having a bit of fun by themselves.

"Dami?" Ore called when she was within earshot. A head turned sharply in her direction and she staggered back before staring with mock horror at the porcelain figure by Dami's side. Water droplets dripped from Tami's hair and her golden eyes beamed merrily. Ore raked her intense gaze over her frame. She was sporting only a thin lace bra and pant. It was the highest form of betrayal.

"Dami, please get out of the pool," Ore pleaded and she winced at the impact Tami's fingertips on Dami's broad chest was having on her. It was as if that singular act sucked the life out of her.

"I said get out," she faltered.

Hot tears were brimming in her orbs as Dami furrowed his brows and licked his wet lips. "You want a taste of me?" he asked, shifting to where a shaking Ore was. Ore couldn't utter a word, Tami was giving her an odd look with her arms crossed.

"Go bother someone else can you?" she shouted showing her middle finger.

Dami heaved himself midway out of the misty waters and pulled Ore who was crouched at his level into the pool. The force Dami used in dragging her made the bubbly water splash above the shallow surface. Ore sucked in a sharp breath as Dami claimed her lips hungrily.

He groped her small breast and applied light pressure which made Ore to moan in barely concealed excitement. His tongue danced in a fluid motion with hers, their wet bodies were molded together. Ore arched her back and gripped Dami's tight butt underwater, invariably asking for more.

Dami skimmed the lines of the silk panties she was putting on in her jean trouser and he let out a soft whimper in morbid fascination. She bent her head a bit to the side as Dami bit softly on her plump lips. He pulled back after a minute with his breathing ragged, "There you have a taste of me!"

"Now get the hell out." Immediately, his honey brown eyes turned ice cold as he waded his way to Tami. Her lip was already parted and he dove in easily. He held her by the hand and rubbed the hard length of his erection directly on her core. Ore felt her stomach churn, she got out of the pool and threw up her stomach contents on the floor.

Just then, Philip hurried to her side and began patting her back. Ore shivered, goosebumps spreading quickly on her shivering body. Philip looked around in confusion, his stormy eyes colliding with that of Dami who spared him a glance and returned back to his intense make out session. It was obvious that Dami was the one who was causing Ore such duress.

Philip shrugged out of his jacket and placed it around her shoulder before drawing her closer to him. He engulfed her with his warmth and slipped a stray hair behind her ear. Ore was vibrating as more salty tears cascaded down the sharp cut on her cheek, making it to sting. She sucked in a sharp breath as a hot searing pain slit through her.

Ore vaguely heard Tami moaning in the distance as her fingertips trailed over the lips that Dami had thoroughly kissed. She felt a pang in her heart at the loss of the heat that raked her core. Ore was hung up and dry, she could give anything for a release.

The duo stood still, Phillip rubbing slow circles on Ore's arm before pulling her back to stare at him in the face. He wiped away the dried tears with the back of his hand and briefly kissed her on the forehead.

"Come on, let me take you home," Philip spoke lowly. Ore nodded her head meekly and trailed behind him, consciously wrapping the jacket tighter about her.


Author's note: Three hours working on a chapter because of writer's block? Waoh, I can't believe it!

Anyways, what are your thoughts on this chapter? Do you think Dami is despicable seeing what he did to Ore?

Thanks for reading ❤️

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