Chapter 17

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I kinda picture that girl above as Tami but with a more rounded ass and a little bit more on the busty side. Trust me, she is so cute!

This chapter is dedicated to -drippedstunner and coffeeeeholic ❤️❤️

Ore's POV

What the fuck. I slipped a stray hair behind my ear and staring mindlessly at the supposed couple. My stomach began making queasy noises. The loud music faded away softly in the background as I ran my tongue over my glossy lips in frustration.

My eyes darted nervously between Tami and Dami who seemed engrossed in each other. Dami leaned to mutter something in her ear and his fingertips grazed her cheeks lightly before coming to rest on her thigh.

Could someone fuck me?

Tami was putting on a red fritz top which showcased her cleavage and a mini skirt of the same color. Her laps were thick, widespread and looked smooth to the touch without any acne or rashes. Dami ran his hand along the insides of her thigh as a smirk played on his cute lips.

Tami had obviously forgotten I existed. How the hell did they know each other huhnn?

Intrusive thoughts disrupted my mind as I merely stood watching the trapezoid scene. Tami giggled and inched closer to Dami before she arched her back to kiss him flat on the mouth. My eyes were burning with unshed tears and I swallowed the hurt and turned to take my leave.

Suddenly, I didn't feel like partying or being around jocks like Dami whose main purpose was to get in the ladies pants. As I muttered an 'excuse me' to a young couple who were groping each other on the cushioned seat, a silk velvety voice halted me in my steps.

"Ore?" Tami enquired finally regaining some sense. I caught her adjusting her skirt to cover some of her exposed skin and she was biting hard on her lip like a deer caught in the headlights.

The sides of my mouth lifted in a lopsided grin as I came face to face with Dami. He had gotten a new hair cut since when last I saw him and his lip ring shone in the golden lights accentuating his hardened features. Dami's open necked shirt revealed a tattoo of a dragon of some sort peeking from the baseline of his broad shoulder. His black slacks tailored his muscular build to perfection.

A look of recognition flitted across his features as his intense gaze caressed every inch of my yearning body before landing on Tami.

"You guys know each other?" he asked pointing his index ringed finger between the both of us.

Tami patted her black fringe hair that framed her heart shaped face and let out a deep breath.

"Hey," she called out to me blantantly ignoring Dami's question. "Come sit with us girl."

My spine stiffened and I crossed my arms in defiance. There was no way I was going to besides Dami. It wouldn't take long before I melted in a puddle at his feet. I had it bad for the dude.

I wanted his hot breath to fan my cheeks as he trailed small kisses on the soft spot near my earlobe. I didn't care if he had to make sexual advances towards me in return for his undying attention. Dami gave me a toothy grin and gestured for me to come sit on his lap. I huffed as a drunk dude bumped into me and made me lose my balance momentarily.

Tami heaved a sigh and got up to assist me, propping her sturdy arms to propel my body forward. I sucked in a sharp breath. For a moment, I thought history was going to repeat itself.

I exhaled deeply as feets shuffled to accommodate me on the crowded sofa. The freakish guy had splashed some of his sloppy drink on my leg and I furiously wiped it off.

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