Chapter 14

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Dedicated to Graziela195 ❤️❤️

Ore was feeling like her head was about to explode from the approximately large number of courses she had for the day. It seemed as though the attendance at MBA2, the engineering/science lecture hall had quadrupled and there was barely enough space to breathe. To top it all off, Ore was a bit insecure about the normal outfit she was putting on.

After picking up pace to conclude her first day of hostel punishment with a silent Mercy, Ore showered and threw on the only piece of clothing she could find. She was fashionably late and there wasn't going to be any spare seat left for her to sit on. With her simple t-shirt and black jean trouser, she made her way to the park where a bus would convey her to the main campus.

Ore got in after the first period of Chemistry, the massive lecture hall was rowdy. Students clustered in groups were making one hell of a noise and shouting at the top of their voices, trying desperately to be heard at the same time. Ore felt herself shrinking into her enclosed shell from the number of people who were openly glaring at her.

Her kinky weavon looked a tad bit unkempt because she hadn't bothered to brush or oil it properly. This added to her haggard appearance and so it didn't come off as a surprise to her, surviving the rest of the day by herself. As soon as she stepped out of the excruciatingly hot class, the students who were taking the same lectures outside, cleared a path for her to walk away in peace.

The hall had been filled to the extent that a large number of people still stood at the entrance with pen and books in hand, obviously straining their ears to jot down a few important details. Ore felt gladdened in her heart that she wasn't among them. A rather bulky dude stepped out from the ongoing physics lecture to use the restroom but never returned for the remaining four classes.

Ore who had been standing for quite a while felt her aching legs fold underneath her as soon as she occupied the empty seat. That was how her flat butt became glued for six agonizing hours.

Ore breathed in fresh air with delight and a rueful smile graced her lips. It was past four and she was happy that she had finally concluded her schedule for the day. Although, her heart swirled with sadness at the fact that Tami hadn't called her for a good two days. Ore was beginning to think that something was up or the rich girl had dumped her sorry ass in the trash.

Ore wouldn't be surprised if the later were the case. This wasn't the first time someone was using her to get what they wanted. That was the same way Mercy warmed her way into her life and where had she ended up? Nowhere. She was the exact replica of her old self even after spending a month in the university, there was no addition or subtraction.

But just a day spent with Tami changed her life for the better and channeled her thinking into another direction. Tami was a babe and she utilized the skill of socializing to her own advantage.

Ore squinted against the hot sun as she surveyed her surrounding for any appearance of Tami. To her left were different make of cars parked side by side and there was a small kiosk at a secluded corner, away from prying eyes. Ore was silently debating on whether to check there and confirm when a loud squeal escaped from a group of girls who were huddled together with textbooks in hand.

Ore watched with mouth agape as she spotted Tami and her friends sashaying past her with barely a wave or a weak hello. Ore blinked her eyes once, twice, thrice to ensure she was actually seeing who she thought it was.

"Tami," Ore called out, cinching her bag tighter on her shoulder. The girls who had sauntered past her turned almost in unison and Ore's jaw slackened at how beautiful they looked. They were about four in number including Tami who had on a 360 lace frontal and full face makeup. Her long, fake eyelashes shielded her contacts from the blinding rays of the sun and her pink lips were pursed in barely concealed annoyance.

Tami flipped her hair back and adjusted her golden coloured handbag which matched her clothing. Her fixed toe nail was painted with a red polish and was a slight contrast to her white sandals. Ore gave her the once over and her hand flew to cover the small gasp that escaped from her dry throat. Tami looked sumptuous in s yellow crop top that was showing her underbelly and blue ripped jean.

Her friends were wearing almost the same outfit with her apart from a girl at her right who was sporting a black and white vans with a dark shade of glasses.

Tami's eyes lit up in surprise on seeing her and the ends of her lip pulled up in a lopsided grin. Ore couldn't help herself and ran to embrace Tami in a warm hug.

"Tami," Ore stated, pulling away from Tami's embrace and admiring her in close up. The rich scent of her perfume lingered on Ore's shirt and her heart bubbled with excitement. "Where you been dey since na?"
[Tami, where have you been?]

"No calls, no texts, nothing . . . How far you?"
[What's going on?]

Tami smirked and her girls drew closer to her, forming a tight circle. Ore appraised them with an eye roll and focused her attention on Tami.

"Aren't you the one who has bluntly refused to join the gang?" Tami asked, widening her palm to illustrate her point. Passersby spared them a glance as they walked past in a haste to meet up with their daily activities.

A look of incredulity flitted across Ore's features and she crossed her arms on her chest. "Since when that one take start?"
[When did that start?]

Ore was baffled at the off-shoulder that Tami was giving her, she couldn't believe that someone's attitude switched up so fast in the blink of an eye.

Instead of Tami to respond, one of her minions gave Ore a slight push and retorted, "since you decided not to follow in her footsteps."

Ore was taken aback. "But, she didn't tell me anything. How was I supposed to know?"

A full minute passed before Tami stepped closer to her, looking her eyeball to eyeball. "Us girls," Tami stated, pointing a finger at each of them. "We don't take shit from people who only admire from afar but are not willing to pay the price."

The word kept on ringing in Ore's ears as she gulped slightly.

"What is the price?" she managed weakly.

Tami's friends burst into fits of laughter at Ore's seemingly stupid question.

"If you want to know, meet me at Delta Park by five in the evening tomorrow." Tami fished for something in her handbag and brought it out, swinging it in front of Ore's face. It was a car key with an eagle engraved on it.

"Please, don't be late and also . . . bring enough cash with you," came her last words before she turned and sauntered off with her girls.

What the hell did she mean by that?


Author's note: who is ready for a bumpy ride? Ore is finally growing wings and soaring high. Do you think she will meet up with Tami?

Share your thoughts with me in the comments section 😘

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