Chapter 21

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Dedicated to Racheal_Mujota and chouzetsu_kawaii ❤️❤️

"Tear out a sheet of paper!" The chem 100.1 lecturer boomed from the large podium that he was standing on. His forehead glistened with sweat and he furiously wiped it away with the colored handkerchief he was holding. The middle aged man adjusted his black tie and blew out a breath.

The heat was stiffling in the crowded classroom and Ore was using her notebook to fan herself as a loud yawn escaped her lips. The bald headed lecturer turned to give her a warning glare and tapped on the mouth piece of his microphone.

"I said tear out a sheet of paper for your first continuous assessment test!" This time, the rowdy class quietened and the lecturer gave a brief smile. The students who were standing outside and gisting amongst themselves rushed into the hall as they heard the announcement. They began pleading with those who were already seated to adjust so they make use of the tables available to write the test.

Some of the front row seaters made room for them while those that were at the back casted them irritated glances before scribbling the course title on a sheet of paper. Ore hurriedly tore out the middle page of her note and turned to stare at the jam-packed hall. Pieces of paper were flying in the humid air and some students silently made their way to where they could easily giraffe.

Ore's heart was beating erratically. This was actually the first time she was writing a test since she gained admission and she was worried on how tough or easy the questions would be.

The lecturer, Mr Adams, cleared his throat and chortled at the way the class was now paying attention. He began explaining in explicit detail for students to write their full names, matric number, department and course code with the date at the top left corner of their test sheets.

Ore did as Mr Adams instructed and flicked her pen, waiting pensively for the first question. Mr Adams paused for the slow writers to fill in their information before proceeding to give out the questions from the lesson he had thought for the day.

"Write down 20 elements with their electronic configuration. Draw and explain the processes of a chemical reaction and give some of the end products and their uses."

Ore scratched her head and bit on the inside of her check, thinking of what she was going to write. Mr Adams stepped away from the podium and made his through the mob of students who were busy scribbling on their work sheet. He darted here and there, singling out those who were cheating either with their phones or textbook.

Ore silently whispered to her neighbor for her to shift her paper closer so she would copy a few of her answers. The dark skinned girl heaved a sigh and slipped a few strands of the coloured braids that escaped from her bun. She gave Ore a side glance and passed her paper over to her, muttering for her to hurry up so the lecturer wouldn't catch them.

With trembling hands, Ore filled in the blank spaces under the appropriate numbers before sliding the girl's sheet across the table. She grabbed it and continued to write.

Ore scanned through the little answers she had gotten and bobbed her head in acceptance. They looked correct to her. As she heard the lecturer yell that a minute was left, she stretched her neck and began copying from a science geek who was writing non plussed by her side.

Before time elapsed, Ore was done answering the four questions and Mr Adams shouted for the students to submit their papers. Ore got her phone out from her back pocket and slipped it into a small compartment of her school bag. She zipped the bag hurriedly and slung it on her right arm.

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