Chapter 1

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*Dallas' POV*

Ponyboy. Ponyboy. Ponyboy.

That kid is the only thing that's been on my mind for weeks. He is just the most beautiful, kind, and caring person ever. Yeah it makes me soft but who the hell cares? He is just perfect.

He's gay. So am I.

I plan on telling him later tonight at a secret place I have. I have lots of secret places and I hope he loves as I do him.


At the Curtis house, Steve and Soda were out at the DX on a late night shift, Two-Bit was watching Mickey Mouse with Johnny, and Darry was reading the newspaper. Pony was no where.

"Hey Dar, have you seen Pony? I wanna take him somewhere." I said.

"He's in his room reading. Just be back by 10 got it?" Darry said.

"Gotcha."  I said as I ran to get Pony.

I knocked on his door.

"Come in!" I heard.

I opened it.

"Hey Pone, I wanna take ya somewhere, if that's ok...? " I asked.

"Sure I guess...where? " he asked unsure.

*Ponyboy 's POV*
Dal just asked if he could take me somewhere which I replied sure but it sounded unlike him. But I went along with it considering I had liked him for a while now.


We had been in the car for a bit and then we pulled to a stop and got out.

I gasped.

It was a beautiful lake with trees.

"So why did you-" I was cut off by a kiss.

I kissed right back then we started making out.

I was living this.

Hey peeps! Sorry it's so short but I'm busy. Enjoy y'all.
Word Count: 282

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