Chapter 10

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Final Chapter

*Ponyboys POV*

Dal and I just finished screwing around and it was amazing.

We were now cuddling in our bed watching Mickey Mouse.

"Babe?" he asked.

" Yeah? " I replied.

"Do you a few months....we could...adopt?" he asked nervously.

"Well...if that's what you really want to do, then yeah, we can." I said.

" Maybe in a few months we could or in like October. " Dally said.

"Yeah..We can do it whenever you want to baby." I replied and kissed him.


*3 months later*

Dally and I told the gang about adopting kids and they were really happy. Today, we were going to the orphanage to adopt two kids.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the lady at the front desk said when we arrived.

"We are looking to adopt two." I said.

" Good. We only have two kids left and I think you'll love them. " she said.

When we got to the playroom, they're were two kids there playing. A boy and a girl.

"The boys name is Jayden and he is five. The girls name is Katie and she is also five. They're siblings. Twins." she said.

I looked at Dally and he nodded and said 'Ok we'll take them.'

"Yeah." I said.


After we got home with the kids, they met the gang and immediately loves them. Katie adored Two-Bit and Jayden wouldn't let go of Johnny.

I laughed.

"They sure do love you." I commented.

" Yeah. Maybe she'll turn out like me. " Two-Bit said.

"I would hope not." Dally said.

We all laughed.


*A year later*

Katie and Jayden were now six and we all moved to LA. The gang also moved there with us.

Here's what's up with the rest of the gang:

Soda met and Steve got together and have been dating for about 8 months now.

Darry met a girl named Toni down in LA and they got together about 2 months after we moved there.

Johnny and Two-Bit weirdly got together. I mean it's fine but it wasn't expected. (maybe this is a future ship lol) They are happy together though.

Dally and I are happily together and I'm glad. I love him so much.


Ok. That was the final chapter and I hope you all enjoyed that series. Should I make a sequel to this or no? Comment. I love y'all. New fanfic is coming soon y'all. Bai.
Word Count: 413

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