Chapter 4

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*Dallas POV*
We had been searching for Ponyboy for hours. The sun was setting.

He loves sunsets.

I started to sob, unaware at the moment that everyone else was by me.

"Dally, we'll find him ok?" Steve reassured me.

"Hey Steve, you know that shotty apartment on our side of town? THat Evie was living in before? " I asked.

"Yeah...Reto Apartments....Wait! I heard a story 'bout this guy that used to take teenage boys to there and raped them and shit."  Steve said.

" let's go. " I said running full speed to the apartment.

Please be ok baby.

*Ponyboys POV*
They had just got done with me and I was on the cold floor bleeding from the ass in my boxers and crying my eyes out.

It was freezing but I was in too much pain to care.I

I just wanted Dally holding me in his arms and keeping me safe.



*Dallas POV*

I was running with the gang at my heels and we were reaching the apartment quickly.

It was only one story and had 10 rooms so we busted in the door and have the guy there 100 bucks to tell us where he was.

"Room 183-"

I bolted the room.

I heard sobbing.

I locked the door open and saw a terrible sight.

Pony was laying the cold floor bawling his eyes out. He was in only his boxers and was bleeding from butt. Oh god what have they done.

Darry and Soda were about to go to him.

"Guys..let me. Call 911." I whispered as I quietly went over to my boyfriend.

"Ponyboy... hey Pony it's me." I said calmingly.

"Dally...DALLY!" he cried and flung onto me.

" Dal they they.... "

"Ahhh it's ok ok? We're gonna take you home and get you all healed ok babe? Shhh" I calmed him down and have him my jacket for warmth.

I swear I'm gonna murder whoever did this to him.
*Steve POV*
We were all at the Curtis house and Pony was sleeping on the couch while Dal was cuddling him.

I have no idea what happened to him but....god....maybe I should stop teasing him.

*Darry POV*

What I saw when we rescued Pony was horrifying.

I will kill the person who did this to him.


That's Chapter 4...Bai for now y'all.
Word Count: 398

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