Chapter 7

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*Ponyboys POV*
I woke up in a bed. For a second, I didn't know where I was until I saw Dals arm around me and remembered last night.

I looked at Dally sleeping. He was so cute.

I kissed his head and got up, careful not to wake him.

As I was getting up, he pulled me back.

"Stay baby I wanna cuddle." he sleepily mumbled.

I giggled.

"Babe, we have to go back to my house." I said.

" But I wanna kiss youuuuu. " he said dragging out the u.

"Ok.." I replied.

I have him a soft kiss on the lips. But if course, he wanted more.

He started to kiss me passionately and roughly. He slid his tongue into my mouth as I moaned into the kiss.

He continued down my neck and left a few marks.

When he was done, he proudly smiled and kissed my lips.

"Now they all know your mine." Dal said.

I giggled.

He left to hickeys on my neck and they were pretty visible.

"Really Dal...." I playfully pouted.

"C'mon you know you love it." he said.

" You're not wrong... " I replied.

"C'mon babe let's go to your house." he said slipping his jacket on.

"Alright." I replied.


After we got to my house, we walked in and saw everyone watching Mickey Mouse. No surprise.

Darry was cooking chocolate cake.

"Hey guys." I said.

" Hey Pony. Wanna come help me cut this? " Darry called.

"Yeah. I'm coming." I said walking over to him.

As I started cutting, he examined my neck.

"Are those some hickeys I see." he said pretty loud giving Dal a glare.

"No.....maybe...." I replied.

" HAHA WOW! " Two-Bit laughed.

"Well you ain't alone there." Soda said revealing the multiple hickeys he had.

"Steve..." Darry said.

" Yeah..... " Steve replied.

"Dally..." Darry said.

" Yeah..... " Dally replied.

"Stop giving my brothers hickeys!" he said.

We all laughed.


After a while, Dally suggested we go to the lot to play some tackle football.

"Ok." I replied.

The rest of the gang agreed.

When we got there, teams were picked.

I got Dally, Johnny, and Darry.

It was us against Steve, Soda, and Two-Bit.


After a while, we all settled down and took a break. Then the trouble started.

A car pulled up and it was a car that I had seen before.

I started shaking. The gang noticed.

"Babe what's wrong?" Dal asked .

"I-its t-them...." I stuttered.

"The guys who-"

"Yeah." I replied shaking.

I thought that They were in jail...what the hell? We haven't even gone to court yet!

They got out and saw me.

"Hey! It's the gang greaser that we had." Ben said.

" Lets get him!" David said.

Dally stayed with me as the others went and attacked them.

After Dally came running, they all ran off and drove away.

"Are you ok?"

I couldn't breathe.


I couldn't see it hear and I wouldn't stop shaking.

I felt myself falling to the ground and someone catching me.

"PONYBOY!" was so I heard before blacking out.


3 chapters in one day......this is weird. Then again, I have nothing better to do. Hope you enjoyed.
Word Count: 521

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