Chapter 5

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Warning! Mention of rape.

*Ponyboys POV *
I woke up sore all over. I thought I was still in the apartment but I was on the couch at my house.

I heard everyone else speaking.

"Should we report it?" Steve asked.

" No...We can't get into no trouble with the fuzz. " Darry said.

"But we know where they live and the cops can arrest him man." Dal was saying.

" Yeah...we can make sure Pony never had to go through this again. " Soda replied.

"Yeah..." Two trailed off.

" Do ya think he'll be ok? I mean....that was terrible what happen to him. " Johnny quietly said.

By this time I was sitting up only in jeans and a t-shirt.

"Guys...." I said quietly. "I'm gonna be fine.... "

They all turned to look at me.

"Are you sure Pone...?" Darry asked.

" Yeah and, Steve and Dally are right. We know where they live and we can arrest them. " I said.

"Do ya know there names?" Soda asked.

"Yeah...Carlos, David, and Ben. " I said.

"Ok...I'll go down the station. Anyone wanna come with?" asked Darry.

"I will." Soda said.

Everyone else did too.

"Ima stay here with Pony. Y'all can go ahead." Dal said.

" Ok...bye. " Darry said and they all left.

Dal can to sit with me on the couch.

I don't know what but I started bawling.

"'s ok ya wanna talk about it? " he asked.

"I guess." I replied.

" You don't have to tell me anything that you don't want to. " he responded.

"Its ok...well, I woke up on the bed you saw and I was was cold and....then Carlos came in and got naked also. Then he g-got on top of me and s-started to thrust his sick into me without warning. Then...when he finished, Ben and David came in...and they did the same thing. They all three kept doing it until I bled."

I was sobbing hard.

"C'mere." Dal said.

I cuddled into him as he held me tight.

"I won't let anything happen to you babe. Your safe ok?" he said.

" Ok...and Dal...the worst thing is...I was....I was ready to take it further than just making out and touching....and I was ready to..but after what happened....I'm not gonna be for a while. I mean we can still make out and stuff but.... " I trailed off.

"That's perfectly fine with me pk? We don't have to do anything until your ready." Dally said.

We continued to cuddle and the gang eventually came back.

"Well...did you catch them?" I asked.

" Yeah but...because of the incident...We have to go to court on Monday at noon. I told your teachers what happens and they said they would just mail us your schoolwork for the week. " Darry said.

"Ok, that's fine...but will I have to face them again?" I asked.

" Yeah buddy but, we'll all be there and you only have to answer a couple questions ok? " Soda said.

"Ok." I replied.

" Well I'm gonna go make dinner. " Darry said and headed off to the kitchen.

"Alright." I said.

I layed back into Dally and he held me in his arms.

I was happy I was home.

_______________ this one was a bit longer than others but I hope that you enjoyed this Chapter. This story will also be shorter with up to at least 10 chapters so it will only have a few left. What fanfic should I do next? Comment.
Word Count: 601

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