Chapter 6

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Smut later on...

*Dallas POV*
*3 months later*

It had been three months since the incident and Pony has been doing a lot better. He still has a few flashbacks when the gang says things sometimes but besides that, he's ok. I'm happy for him.

I'm planning on asking him on a date tonight.

I walked into the Curtis house and Pony on the couch reading Gone With the Wind with Johnny.

They both looked up at me when I walked in.

"Hey Dally." they both said.

I walked over to Pony, kissed his head, and went to go talk to Soda and Dar.

Pony and Johnny kept reading.

God I love Ponyboy.

"Hey Darry, can I ask ya somethin'?" I asked.

" Sure thing Dal what's up? " he responded while pounding the meat.

"I was wondering if I could take Pone on a date to the Dingo then back to Bucks to spend the night?" I asked.

" Ok..just don't do stuff. " he said.

I knew what he was referring to.

"We won't...besides...I don't know if he's still having flashbacks." I said.

"As far as I know, he isn't." Darry said.

" Ok. " I replied.

"Hey Pony wanna go the Dingo tonight?" I asked.

" Yeah sure babe. " he replied.


We then went to the Dingo.

*Ponyboys POV*
Dal and I were heading back to Bucks for the night. He didn't know yet but I really wanted to take it further.

Once we got to Bucks, we went to Dals bedroom and he locked the door. We sat down and then I told him.

"H-hey Dally.." I said.

" Yeah baby? " he responded.

"I was wondering....could take things further...." I asked .

"Are you sure?" Dal asked. " I don't wanna-"

I kissed him.

"You won't do anything...I really want to ok?" I said.

"Ok...if you really want to." Dal said.

He kissed me and we started making out.

We both eventually were completely naked and he started kissing my neck and then got all the way down to my crouch.

"Are you sure baby?" he asked.

" Yeah... " I said.


He started slowly sucking my dick and I let out a small moan.

"M-more." I moaned out.

He gradually went faster until I was a loud moaning mess.

"Dal I'm gonna-"

"Go ahead baby." he whispered .

I moaned loudly as I shot a load into my boyfriends mouth.


"That was amazing." I said as we were now fully dressed and cuddling.

" Glad you liked it babe. " he said.

He kissed my cheek and let me cuddle into him.

Soon enough, I fell asleep.

Two chapters in one day? WOow....I was bored and since we are all officially trapped in our houses, I'll post way more often.
Word Count: 468

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